2.7 PTR is not S23 PTR?

We did not always have season themes. If I recall the first 12 seasons did not have a theme.


All three followers, all geared to the max and the new skills?


Not to boast, but I am so glad that hoarding every Primal thats ever dropped for me could finally payoff.


I didn’t even think about that!

I do that too.


Good point.


Something else to think about is that you can use your followers for extra stash space.


That’s huge!!! 20 cares

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Sorry to burst the bubble but they do talk about seasons in the post:

Season Rewards: Two unique new rewards, a portrait frame, and a pet will be granted to players who complete the Season 23 Guardian Journey. Please note that the reward content will not be available during PTR 2.7.0.

There has to be more… There’s no way this is the Season theme when its for both Season and Non-season, it doesnt make sense. If this is really it and there is nothing else I highly recommend that they use a past season theme to go along with S23. Right now S23 is pretty much just a fresh start feeling.

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Sorry to burst your bubble(mine too), but like I mentioned upthread this is the seasonal theme and it has been confirmed by Blizzard officially.

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Can you provide a link please?

There ya go Perusoe. MC wouldn’t post it if she hadn’t gotten some sort of confirmation first. She’s pretty good about that. :slight_smile:

Edit: The follower system update is also in the Seasons section in the 2.7.0 Preview Blog.

it does, actually. The follower system update is a rather in-depth and large piece of work to be done. Because of the limited time between seasons, their reasoning here is likely that by making this the seasonal theme, they get two benefits out of it.

  1. The players all get a “fresh start” feeling without any excess baggage. With the rebalancing being done, this will allow Blizzard to gather data on the changes to items and not have them be skewed by a seasonal theme that might make things look out of proportion to one another.

  2. Blizzard gets extra time to come up with a new season theme or to refine a previously used theme to enhance or tweak it to be more enjoyable for the players. Basically it gives them breathing room on this front. With the recent transition with the Diablo franchise and team assignments, this may actually be necessary while things get settled in.

There is also the possibility that after seven years of solo players not being heard, they figured it was time for them to see something specifically for them. Hopefully the players will test the PTR item changes furiously alongside the follower changes so that the item updates will at least be in the ballpark when it comes to correctness and not too heavily nerfed or buffed.


Yeah, I’ve read all those too. Even posted links to them myself.

But, I keep seeing people say things like “Pez officially said…” or “Pez has confirmed…”

Yet, as much as I respect MissCheetah, I still haven’t seen Pez or any other official Blizzard representative actually say anything about it. So far, we’re just speculating based on the limited information we currently have.

So there’s going to be second PTR for the ‘real’ seasonal theme? Sure. Can’t wait.

I have no idea.

(But, I’m going to assume you just accidentally clicked on the Reply button under my last post instead of clicking on TheTias’.   )

Yeah, can’t find anything from Pez himself. Looks like we’ll just have to enjoy our candy from MissCheetah since he doesn’t seem to have any inside currently. :wink:

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From Maxroll News:

A D3Planner Follower Embed including all new skills is currently in construction!

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I wonder if the patch will drop b4 the season starts so you can clean up the non seasonal stash a bit. Not sure if I will play PTR, so having a little time to get acquainted with the new patch so you could start off with a clue when the season starts

One of the things I have as MVP is the ability to at least send a note to the CMs. I did. I am allowed to ask about clarification on things that have been made public - like the PTR notes.

I was told they do roll out at the same time to both Season and Non-Season. Source was CM FilthieRich. So, unless the CMs also misunderstand the Dev intent, I will count that as solid enough proof.

Well, that IS the seasonal theme so there won’t be a separate one.


Seasonal theme: Inherent Asheara’s Vestments buff to go with the follower changes…:smirk::smirk:

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