PTR 2.7 Demon Hunter GoD getting nerfed with 2 max pierce

  • Gears of Dreadlands 6-Piece Set: Hungering Arrow pierces a maximum of 2 times while wearing the Gears of Dreadlands

Developer’s Note: We toned down the number of pierces Hungering Arrow can perform while Gears of Dreadlands is equipped to address concerns when interacting with Missile Dampening.

I get it, missile dampening is supposed to hurt ranged players, not benefit them in the case of the GoD DH. The change seems too much of a nerf IMO.

Thoughts on other ways to address the problem other than a flat 2 pierce limit:

  • Why not do 2 max pierces, but reset the pierce count when the arrow changes direction?
  • The missile dampening field slows the arrow travel speed. Consider reducing the arrow flight time.
  • If the arrow changing direction too closely to their targets while in the missile dampening field is a problem, set a minimum distance the arrow must travel before changing direction.

I have no problem with fixing the missile dampening problem, but don’t ‘fix’ it by ruining the set.


Don’t be so sad, they buffed Blackthorns instead of completely removing it. Blizzard has the BEST developers!


GoD did not need a nerf. it needed a buff.


This is not even a nerf anymore. It is a burial.


You cut the set’s potential damage output by 15-20x while some build like thorns Necro snowballs trillions of thorns damage. It didn’t get nerfed at the recent patch. I don’t get why are you still insisting that you can balance this without crashing a high maintenance setup a good 25 GR tiers back.


I might accept it if HA arrows pierced waller’s wall.
Or it will be time to go with other builds.

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Welp, that’s a pretty cruddy nerf for the GoD DH. :frowning:


I sincerely hope that if this is a major balancing change to reel in some of the power creep that has been introduced ever since loot 2.0/RoS, that all classes are balanced to roughly the same maximum solo completed greater rift level.

I don’t think GR150 should be possible at all… There needs to be a wall of impossibility that can be tried, but not possible to complete within 15 minutes.

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This is destroying the set only 2 pierces? Really? It didn’t need that big of a nerf!


I don’t get the nerf perhaps it didn’t fit their standards of upkeep to clear GR150. If it’s only specific to GoD 6p bonus then there’s a work around of using a hybrid build of N6G4. I thought it’s an entire tweak to the skill itself but for the first glimpse appears it’s only limited to GoD6 set.

Slow time and piercing projectile interaction is natural because tick rate always increases at that case. Instead of limiting pierces you could address the issue at core and tweak the projectile slowing rate of missile dampening. If that doesn’t work then make GoD 6p bonus increase the resource costs to limit the buffs the build can pair, don’t give it a direct nerf.


I don’t know if the wording is just bad wording with patch 2.7 patch notes. And means “HA cannot multipierce on the same target at the same time” But have to wait and see on PTR.

But if just getting rid of the missel dampening mechanic I could see that being fine but this is like a 15 gr+ nerf. This makes it worst then Nat’s or Maurder’s set.

The problem they had was with the interaction between GoD and missile dampening elites. Could they not just have removed missile dampening from the elite affixes pool? It’s probably the rarest of all the elite affixes so it wouldn’t really be missed. The solution they have come up with is like using a nuclear missile to kill a fly - yes it will fix the problem, but destroy the viability of the build in the process!


Perhaps some of you math folks could help me grasp just how much of a nerf this is and how much more damage could be done if pierce were allow to deal damage with 4 or 19 times instead of 2 so I can better understand just how disappointed,saddened, and pissed over this. I’m getting tired of every F******* build I find fun be erased from existance.

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Keep in mind these changes are for the PTR. If during the PTR they see that the GoD DH is vastly underperforming (which they will with this change), they will rethink their strategy on addressing the missile dampening issue. In a nutshell, the changes are not set in stone, yet.

Yeah true, PTR they overtune and undertune things for testing. Same goes in WoW raids and bosses, and skills before patch balance and release.

Instead -

just remove Missile Dampeniing from the game.
Then keep GoD untouched


My main gripe with this is that it’s tied to the GoD 6p bonus. Basically it nerfs pure GoD HA alone, N6G4 HA hybrid for example remains untouched, as does UE HA. If the piercings need to be capped, put the cap to the NCS quiver. But with much higher cap, 2 is way too low.

Still, there has to be better ways to solve the MD interaction.


Agreed there are better ways to deal with the mechanic for missile dampening elites. Rather a mass nerf to pierce on the set alone. It wipes the build. And this is a new set introduced. But there has to be another work around here vs. basically deleting the set and only making it a t16 set now.

DH needs the love. And GoD is great! I know other classes could use some love to but it’s been so long for DH and we finally got a great set and fun set at that. Just to gut it is way more than a bit much.


Just remove the useless missile dampening effect, problem solved. But wait, i can’t see ANY Problem with GoD DHs and missile dampening, that build isn’t used in 3 or 4 player groups in high GRs because its completely useless there. So there is NO REASON for a nerf at all.
The devs are not playing this game all day long, they have NO CLUE. And this decision for those changes on PTR shows that clearly. So sad…


Just play tomorrow and see how terrible it has become. If it is really 18GR less they need to do something about the nerf.