2.6.8 PTR wizard changes - thoughts?

Mammoth Hydra: allll byyy myself…dont wanna be…allll byyy myself… anymore

First thoughts after reading patch notes. Summoning the Hydra wall of texssst: :mage::sparkles: :snake: :snake:

The Hydra heads dying definitely makes the set a little more interesting both defensively and offensively, since it’s tied to both the 4 piece and 6 piece. Gives the player more interaction.


  • Locks in the build to a shielding setup. Shielding often requires additional item placement for that purpose.
    It’s nice to have the option to go without shielding. Perhaps preserving some level of base toughness regardless of the number of heads? or even better: Have an ICD for the Hydra head death mechanic.
  • Keeping track of Hydra heads will now be integral to toughness and damage, therefore: we need a display via the UI (buff bar or skill icon) for this.
  • Completely butchers the choice to run with mammoth Hydra as the 4 piece would only give partial toughness. While Mammoth would be the largest concern for being rune that overpowers all others, I still don’t want to see it left in the dust too, per the 6 piece.

You might think this would open a lot of options for the Hydra rune itself, but you have to also consider, we are significantly locked down when it comes to skills, passives, and items and wanting to deal as much damage as possible. It makes out for a really weird setup:

  • Channeled setup, because, Deathwish and Etched Sigil.
  • Non channeled skill placement and usage because of Arcane Dynamo.
  • CoE rotations come to mind for large damage boost, since it takes time to stack arcane dynamo and channel.
  • Arcane Attunement: Such a huge damage bonus to arcane. If it works to buff hydra when manually cast, makes Arcane Hydra the default pick. Requires density to be highly effective.
  • Can’t use Barrier blades for additional shielding (or any arcane channeled spell for that matter), even though you’d want to, because it would soak arcane attunement.

:anguished: :worried: :dizzy_face:

Per the above, Hydra is still likely a partial snapshot style of gameplay.

The following I tested during 2.5.0 as snapshot with Hydra MH Damage. It is likely that they also require snapshot for Hydra damage.

  • Black Hole: Spellsteal
  • Taeguk
  • Magic Weapon
  • Unwavering Will
  • Familiar: Sparkflint
  • Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan (Note: this item can also decrease MH hydra damage because of the legendary effect)

Excluded from the testing above because of MH but likely affecting Hydra damage as snapshot:

  • Arcane Dynamo
  • Arcane Attunement


  • Snapshot style gameplay can be annoying at times (also thinking of AS damage scaling snapshot requirements, if an AS damage scaling factor exists in the damage calculation formula). Note: attack rate of the Hydra should still be updating dynamically, so no worries on that front.
  • Trying to perform snapshots on speed runs can be very annoying, as it increases the frequency the player needs to snapshot due to repositioning.

However, being able to snapshot a buff that gets consumed, say, Arcane Dynamo, can feel somewhat rewarding (player puts in a … relatively significant effort to generate the 5 stacks of Dynamo).

Offensively, Hydras still scale their own attack speed with the player’s, breakpoints and all.
This I really like, as it makes itemization and playstyle, especially with Pain Enhancer, a little more engaging.


  • AS priority makes Tasker and Theo also required (again, another additional item).

Etched Sigil still casts Hydra once per Etched sigil proc up until the maximum number of Hydras is reached.

Hydras cast by Etched Sigil probably still won’t proc AD. Meaning:


  • For serious speedfarm, group, and solo push we’d have to actively keep track of hydras to make sure they were manually cast, (if not, recast), then start channeling for ES / Mantle / DW bonuses. This issue is compounded when you factor in arcane dynamo stacks and arcane attunement buffing.
  • Downside to an Area Damage based build with high AS is of course, in high GRs, especially in group, can run into performance issues.

The two piece bonus doubling duration of hydra would combat this of course, making it more of a minor annoyance when pushing, but you have to remember:

Hydra is stationary.

This means for speed builds, we’d have to deal with the above concern every time we reposition.

It’s great that Hydra is getting some additional multiplier from items. However:


  • I am generally opposed to any item that mixes a multiplier with a CC effect. This is because it forces the player into using the CC effect from THAT item, when they could prefer to use CC from a different skill or item.
  • If you’d like, enhance the CC effect of Magistrate to make it’s effect more appealing as an option, but please don’t require it with adding a multiplier.

The Magistrate would, in the least, change preferred placement of the Hydras, and might make the build more interesting in this way, since Magistrate’s frost nova comes from the position of the Hydra. … or it could be downright annoying to contend with.

At the very least, it’s a Wizard hat, so it has the opportunity to roll APoC and +AP secondary. However:


  • We now have to fit in an additional armor item (helm) as a required multiplier.

These required items keep adding up:

  • Magistrate
  • TnT
  • Shielding item (ABBs for example)

Magistrate and TnT alone requires the use of RoRG (forget any use of Aughild’s). Bracer slot taken for shielding item means the interesting play from say, APDs + Frost nova would be shut down. Speed builds wouldn’t necessarily be able to easily place nemesis bracer (NOTE: not a terrible thing IF the build clears and moves quickly… which this one does not).

My great concern is that we will have little room for choice in this type of build, given that Serpent Sparker, Deathwish and Etched Sigil will be so beneficial as multipliers.

For example, I can already see the following alternate weapons and items being beneficial in some way:

  • Echoing Fury
  • Aether Walker
  • OID
  • Starfire
  • Shame of Delsere
  • Mantle of Channeling
  • Hergbrash’s Binding
  • Aquila Cuirass
  • APDs + Frost Nova (Halo of Arlyse?)
  • Ranslor’s
  • Aughild’s

But most won’t be usable because of the limited room for choice with so many (what feels like) required multipliers.
Note: S20 bonus might change that a little, but outside that season, the set would be locked in tight.

I’m not opposed to Serpent Sparker gaining a multiplier, since it is generally opted for with any Hydra based build.

However, adding the multiplier to magistrate feels like a little too much, considering everything else we have to fit in with this set.

As mentioned prior: I can see the Magistrate being an annoying mechanic for some players. Please don’t require us to use CC based items. I’m pointing at you, Ranslors! :tornado: :tornado: :tornado:

Note: LoN or LoD is another story: it could more readily fit in the additional helm.

Early Feedback, thoughts, & Conclusion:


++ Fairly good base for a Hydra build.
++ Fairly efficient use of current skill mechanics (less changes required). Definitely better for dev time, and this will make it easier to test, perhaps.
++ More heads is actually pretty cool, assuming this means more attacks per unit of time from the two hydras. Would have preferred to be able to use multi element / multi rune or even more Hydras, but I can understand for performance reasons why these choices might not have been made.


  • a display via the UI (buff bar or skill icon) for Hydra head count.
  • Have an ICD for the Hydra head death mechanic (damage taken).
  • Inclusion of Attack speed and AS based ramp up mechanics within the set to make set usage more interactive for the player in maintaining and / or positioning of the Hydra.
  • Set needs to allow for more innate Mobility if it’s going to be made into a reasonable speed build, and fit in all the items required.
  • Less dependence on Hydra Heads existing for toughness. A more passive means to maintain some (not all) of the 4pc defensive bonus could be beneficial. If we depend on active Hydra heads for most of our toughness this means when things go wrong, we are extra heavily punished for one mistake (not having Hydras within range, for example, as would be common on a speed run). Remember Firebirds :grey_question: :bomb:
  • remove the multiplier from The Magistrate, as this item already has a CC effect. Requiring CC can be bad for the game. CC effects should be optional.

Areas where I’m unsure if action is needed, perhaps we can start by just discussing:

  • Would prefer to see more interaction or benefit for multiple skills with the set. I’m thinking of our other pets, Mirror Image, Familiar. Changing Familar into an actively used buffing skill for pets could be interesting. MI has so many possibilities already, if it weren’t so… hmm… broken. Note: There is some interaction for the player already with arcane Dynamo (primary skill), but this detracts from speed potential.
  • ‘Janky’ build :crazy_face: with having Channeling skills and items AND non-channeling skills. This could be a non-concern, as has been noted in the past with Arcane Orb based builds. Eventually the non-channeling variation became more prevalent due to simplicity, as it was harder to fit in channeling. The difference here is that Hydra only has one weapon with a multi (SS), whereas Orb has two (US & Triumvirate). This means there is more room for a Hydra build to weave channeling and non-channeling into the same build. Perhaps this is better though. I’d rather the game playstyle allow for choice rather than be out of necessity.
  • Snapshots could be annoying to contend with if they exist with any damage related mechanics. Snapshots with density or that require time to set up, such as with Arcane Attunement or Arcane Dynamo, can be annoying during speed runs.
  • Arcane Attunement being so powerful in high density.

I’m even more concerned with the changes to Channeling items: DW, ES, Mantle. The requirement to channel for 1s could ruin a lot of builds, and make builds such as this one very challenging, unsmoothe, or outright unplayable.

Hydra will be more involved for testing, because of the complexity of mechanics. :cry: :sweat_smile:

EDIT (2hrs after posting):
I still stand behind my stance that one of the best feelings with playing Hydra based builds is actively attempting to optimize and provide uptime on bonuses that the Hydra benefits from.

At the same time, too much complexity in this area can also overwhelm the average player when trying to adapt the build for speeds or group speeds.

I hope I’ve been able to point out some good things and some potential problem areas for the new Typhon’s Veil set.

I’m looking forward to enjoying Hydra again. :smile: And providing feedback during PTR.

Hoping for the bessst.
:mage: :sparkles:
:hot_face: :fire: :dragon_face: :dragon_face::cold_face: :snowflake: :dragon: :dragon::skull: :zap: :dragon: :dragon::skull: :milky_way: :dragon: :dragon:


A very thorough analysis that I’m still pondering. Thanks!

Just clarifying, manually casting Hydras allows them to proc area damage? If so, this build is going to be one hell of a mess.

  1. Need to channel for longer than 1sec cause DW+ES+MoC
  2. ES summoned hydras will be useless cause they don’t proc AD whereas manual ones do
  3. Will need to run around to group mobs, but constant nova will hinder that

I’m quite sure Nerfing Deathwish and sigil will impact overall wizard avg.gr. need buff on something or else avg.gr will drop 130>??? ( assume 5k para that they told us ). Trying to nerf basooka but impact too much.

suggest instead to just delay 1s, try to increase the dmg increased for the items too to compensate the lost.

ps if they have nothing to compensate I’ll play other class. the meteor build is already annoying so slow to begin with if it’s slower I doubt to find it fun to play.

I revised a prior post to add the following:

=== additional points added in a revision ============

  • will the Typhone set be accompanied with a UI buff icon for the number of hydra heads active (hydra stack indicator).
  • will the Typhon set be coded such that Mammoth Hydra when cast is counted as 5 heads per active Mammoth hydra and a single hydra stack be removed per hit taken
  • The Typhon set needs amulet (7th piece) for flexibility reasons

In regard to my Vyr, Chantodo, Hydras question/reference:

Its an old video but illustrates how it would operate. The cube would be Sparker, Swami, Magistrate based on the season buff. Hydras won’t have the 10k damage bonus of the new set, but does inherit all the damage and attack speed from Vyr/Archon. We’ll see what the mileage of the above will be.

The Typhon set 2/4-piece bonuses and the revised Sparker/Magistrate give more early season starter options such as:

  • LoD Gale/Mirror/Hydra build (to later transition into a more effective LoD/Hydra build)
  • Typhon, Crimson, Chantodo, Swami, Fazula, RoRG, Hydra build
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That would be pretty neat way of making Mammoth happen. Would have to come with that handy indicator though.

I think I agree, yes, 7th piece would be good for flexibility. Amulet is probably the best choice, but i wouldn’t count bracer out as an option.

shhhhh… first rule of …
Aside: Really looking forward to that testing.

I’d love to see an MH buff, but I think I’d prefer for MH to always be slightly behind their respective non-MH builds. Overall it will let more builds be seen as usable, viable, good, etc.

So, in this case, if MH were just powerful enough to make a really good lightning RGK build that made sense over the other runes, but not powerful enough to make sense for solo, or group clear as the highest dps option, that would be awesome.

Electrocute is the standout. That, SB, and Living lightning were always really fun to play with MH, but so far behind in pushing. These were pretty speedy and fun at low GR speeds though.

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Vyrs might be super strong with this. Especially with the cube changes. Does anyone know how many times blazing hydra can stack?

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I guess Blizzard is not getting improved any time soon. (pun not intended)


From apo’s mechanics compendium (a long friggen time ago - 2.0.6):

EDIT: the burn duration is possibly wrong in the below.

Ty. 180% * 10 heads * 5aps… might make a RGK

wait… The AS is a scalar on the dmg and makes them attack faster? They double dip?

how would stricken stack with 10 heads attacking?

I like that the devs are taking a stab at reviving hydra. However, their approach will draw so much critique. For example, I added a bullet point to question the internal coding of the new Typhon set and its interaction with Mammoth Hydra. What I think would have been interesting is:

  • merge the Sparker and Magistrate damage and put it on the revised Sparker
  • revise Magistrate to alter Frost Hydra into a Mammoth Frost Hydra (palate swap) that casts a high damage long range lake of frozen mist (similar to those act 5 Ghastly Seraph mobs) that layers/stacks like Fire Mammoth Hydra’s lake of fire.

==== adding a minor revision here =====

  • maybe lower the merged damage on Sparker just a tad but allow Sparker to roll 1-2 additional Hydras (random) making the max number of active hydras could jump to 3 (times 5 heads per hydra with Typhon set)

The above leans in the direction of a frost only build that isn’t Frozen Orb or Cold Archon.

What I’m not exactly excited about is that the new Typhon set is modeled after the AoV crusader set. Using the AoV set as a mold severely restricts Typhon design especially with respect to the defensive being dependent on hydra head count as you outlined.

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I know almost nothing of wizards, but one thing I do know…

Keep screaming for the changes you want. It worked for Monks and Saders.

The new TR set was HORRIBLE in its first iteration.

Jump on the PTR, play it, and yell in unison.


Aye, Vyrs might be really strong. Leveraging the AS from the Vyrs would be one of the biggest gains. That’s why the Typhon’s Veil set probably needs some method of AS bonus or scaling mechanic to help make it more engaging and keep it in the forefront as an option.

You might say, well, we’ve been given these tools (Echoing Fury, PE, Gogok, TnT, etc.) and giving us players this by default would be enabling our bad habits (requesting things that negate items specifically placed to address these problems).

And I’d respond: “Well, I’d love to be able to use those amazing AS increasing items but I can’t because these other items and gems are simply more beneficial to overall damage output”. And I’d grind away at a higher GR with my Hydra’s that destroyed everything but attacked super slow. Or I’d just switch to Vyr.

EDIT: To clarify, some attack speed scaling mechanic from the set might be nice, but it doesn’t have to be Vyr 5 APS after <insert stack count here> automatic levels of benefit. Perhaps some minor to medium scaling would boost it in the right direction but still encourage use of some these other attack speed related items and gems.

It’s partially the same reason I think the set needs innate mobility: it’s too hard to trade down into items like Aether Walker when it means sacrificing Deathwish levels of damage.

Given that items like Echoing Fury and OID exist though, and AS and toughness are also high priority for the Typhon’s set, Aether Walker wouldn’t see the light of day except … maybe… for nephalem rifting or low GR speeds.

Considering this, and given that Hydra is a stationary spell, at least making easier to travel from one spot to another might make it more fluid.

EDIT: Perhaps the outlier items that are feeling required for damage output, such as Deathwish, are simply too strong of an option, and need a slight nerf for better overall balance of options?

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Stricken stacks come from the player, not Hydra. At least to my knowledge, this has been the case in the past.

Spectral Blade is one of the best stricken stacking abilities.

EDIT: to be more specific, abilities that have a proc coefficient of 0 cannot stack stricken.

Usually, no, since hydra does scale it’s attack speed dynamically (attack rate of the heads), we wouldn’t expect it to have AS damage scaling also. But as seen in our history with MH, it’s something we need to check for with Hydra, especially when considering snapshot mechanics.

Just a minor correction and verification:

  • Blazing Hydra burn ticks is 155% over 3 seconds (not 5 seconds)
  • The frost nova coming from Magistrate Frost Hydra mod is the un-runed frost nova (I just rechecked in-game)
  • Archon cancels Mirror Images and any active hydras cast by images
  • Mirror Images ignore the presence of Serpent Sparker in your build :frowning_face:

=== minor update =========

  • Mirror Images stack Gogok but not stricken (weird)
  • Mirror Images can and will trigger MW:Ignite
  • Blazing Hydras cast from images trigger the burn effect (based on animation) but most likely at the lower damage range
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Was just looking into these earlier. Can confirm the burn duration.
I’ll add that the Frost Hydras each cast Frost nova 3 times over the course of their 15s duration. ~4.5s apart. This was with pretty low AS though - maybe 1.65 or thereabout. D3planner reports radius of 19 yards. Noted frost nova cast came from the Hydra’s position, not the player’s.

Hydras cannot be targeted and attacked. However, Mirror Images can be targeted and attacked.

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Hello Ladies and Gents!

I like and dislike the Patch at the same time.

  • I would have prefered a set something for the underused skills like MI, DS, WoF, etc.
  • This set does not give us many options. We will use Hydra - Lightning Hydra
  • More Love for underpowered Items (for example: Wizardspike should be an option for Wizards :slight_smile: ) would have been nice.
  • No Love for underpowered Runes. I still dont know why BLIZZARD only buffed the Frozen Orb Rune when they made Frozen Orb Viable.
  • Does not look like a very fast (Clearspeed) set.


  • Something new for the Wizard is always a plus
  • The new Cube
  • Maybe my CC Build works
  • I Like the DS/LW nerf. Both were too strong
    Open Questions:
    How will it interact with MI?

I think frozen orb will outperform any wiz build with seasonal buff…
Etched + triumvinate + deathwish + unstable…