I thought POE had overpriced cosmetics xD
Go to 2:00 min of the video or watch the whole thing. It’s hilarious…
I thought POE had overpriced cosmetics xD
Go to 2:00 min of the video or watch the whole thing. It’s hilarious…
Seems fair really …
Dude could have brought a car, paid for an education or fed a few hundred homeless people for a week. Any of these would be more impressive than those wings.
Whales gonna whale hard.
seriously all the issues going on in the world and Blizzard still sees fit to actually defend this kind of behavour
i mean people are having to take out a 2nd mortgage just to put gas in their cars just to go to work etc and Blizzard is purposely fleecing players in this game to such an extreme level
dont tell me they didnt forsee the inherent levels of finacial gain that this kind of ingame shop would cause after all the developers created the algorithm that set the price and the randomness of the items purchased so they cant possibly expect players to beleive this was not intended or an oversight on their part
not only were they were counting on the players spending this kind of money they were actively encouraging it with their randomly determined shop items that were handed out since players didnt know what theyd even get until AFTER they paid for it
If the game cost $20 instead, that guy was worth about 1,200 players worth of money to Blizzard.
I wonder how many of those kinds of players there are. Even if you’re a multi-millionaire and can just shrug off huge sums of money, would you really get that much enjoyment out of spending that much money for mobile cosmetics in a game that looks worse than games over a decade old where you could look better for a lot less?
I guess a bunch of them bought those monkey NFTs so
Yeah talk about wasteful.
honestly looks like
must be the worst set.
either way he’s going to be in denial for a year before he gives up and accepts the game died 1 month after release.
I had friends who paid up to 500.00 Dollars on Star Citizen, and I think there is a story about one whale that paid over 100k. My understanding is that game is still not really 100% there after nearly 12 years.
At least DI appears to be playable. Yes many people with more money than brains will pay crazy amounts for stuff.
I have friends that plunked down 500.00 for the gold Mech packs for Mechwarrior Online. (Which they could not play cause other players would kill their mechs when they trotted the Gold ones out.
It is weird to think about the fact that we paid under a hundred dollars for D 3, still playing it now, but so many complaining about how they have been let down by this or that.
Yep takes all kinds.
Title is misleading. The 24k are to build an op character, and the wings come just with it to display the opness. Still crazy of course.
Let me get this right:
A player drops $24k on a PVE MMO game (with forced co-op) to be competitive.
Fred Sanford and Red Foreman come to mind.
What a loser
20 characters
Or at the very least, imagine the classy hooker he could have experienced?
Isn’t the game still in Beta? Does everything get trashed when the game actually is officially released? Or is Beta only for the PC version? I am not sure.
Blizzard is saying the PC version wont be purged when it goes live but you know how things have a tendency to fail
PC players are on the same servers as Mobile players.
Characters are stored on their servers if you have it linked with a Battle.Net account.
I can easily toggle between playing on phone and playing on PC.
Only the Client for PC is in Beta.
Oh really?
2:15 time stamp on that video says:
“The Person who posted those wings”
Unless those wings are available in the Cash Shop and you can buy them straight for 24k$ than it means that he in fact bought them for 24k $…
But hey keep defending D:I, cause there’s no “predatory” monetizatrion in this right?
You didn’t bother to watch the video? Or comprehend what the guy explains?
If I dind’t see the video I wouldn’t post it on the forum
Unless those wings are available to even look at them in the Cash Shop than where does that picture of them come from and how does the “person who posted those wings” know it’s 24k$ worth?!
Care to explain?
There is no “PC version”. Game is cross platform, you can play the same character on PC and on mobile. The PC client is called beta, but the game itself is released and there will be no wipes.
The 24k are not for the wings alone as you made it sound. They are to create an op character. The wings are just a tossed in goodie.