I assume you are referring to the post from Kiadaw.
That was about legendaries that buff Primary skills.
I didn’t play a Barbarian that focuses on Primary skills yet, but it kinda is logical that legendaries that buff Primary skills need higher multipliers to buff these skills than legendaries for Secondary skill in order to make Barbarians that revolve around Primary skills as powerful as other builds (at least if that is the intend).
It was a very specific buff for one spec which was IK. Does it really worth opening 5 threads complaining about barbs when you brought this proposal together in tjat site merely one month away from the ptr?
You are just a few GRs away from Wiz solo already. Do you really think you’d catch up in one patch?
If you believe a 2000% multiplier on one Barbarian item or skill will put the class above Wizards, you simply don’t understand this game or what is happening in Diablo 3 right now.
You’re trolling out of sheer ignorance.
You’re also wrong about Slaughter mechanics, still.
No one is asking to be above Wizards. Stop lying.
The highest Barb clear in the world is 13 GR levels behind Wizard. Barbarian clears are 10 or more GR levels behind Wizard on all servers. The top 20 Barbarian clears won’t even get you in the top 1000 Wizard slots in most servers.
You hoped to cover that GR gap in one patch when developers have lag issues on engine? Your proposal is good but give them time to solve issues on splitting barbs from meta with defining features and negate server burden.
I can not see beyond words when people complain about Wizards then ask for equal treatment then. Why yes, you can get equal treatment but it’s also a struggle to keep balance. It occurs that they won’t move forward without meticulous playtesting the changes.
Months ago they upgraded the servers(a new maintenance officer is hired I think) and offered us stash tabs just to retract it after PTR. If they honestly could offer stash tabs after a server upgrade, they also must have been testing lag issues. I say just wait. I see Mortick’s as a sign of goodwill only, it can be trash for you but I guess I am more optimistic on the issue.
You are just a few GRs away from Wiz solo already.
Why you want to be above Wizards at GRs again?
Naksiloth you are a liar at worst and extremely confused at best.
The highest Barb clears in the world are 131-132 with a lot of fishing and high paragon. The highest Wizard clears in the world are 142-145 and there’s MANY in the 140+ range.
In most cases, Barb Top 50 clears won’t even get you on the Top 1000 Wizard leaderboards.
There are no complaints about Wizard in Free’s Barb proposal or in Barbarian sentiment overall. Literally no one is talking about Wizards; that’s the Wizard class problem and Blizzard’s to handle.
No one wants Barb to be clearing 142-145 solo like Wizard. No one is asking for that nor would anything in the proposal make that happen or anything close.
You simply don’t understand what you’re talking about.
No one is talking about Wizards in the context of wanting Barbarian to be the same or better than Wizards. Free’s Barb proposal is not concerned with reaching 145+ solo.
Free was talking about being 7GRs behind of Wizards. I think several times… Also if you read above people complain about Wizards getting toys. Will I get out from this nonsense anytime soon? Wizards ought to get more shiny toys because it’s a dps-cycle class and apparently playerbase is pretty largr as well.
Around 5 times. They ought to click at your staple skills they won’t bloat Set multipliers further hopefully else they’ll destroy any chances of creating LoN viable specs at the long run.
All I see is some players desperate to play their favorite char in the game, and to be able to play as a DPS and not only zDPS barb.
Just a thing, as said above, List 1 only need some changes on values. I’m not a pro game-designer or developer, but I know it does’nt require a tremendous amount of work. (Same for other classes legendaries.) I am sure players would be able to do this theirselves if they were given the possibility, in almost a week. Balancing included. They’re just lazy, that’s all.
I gave up hope about, and I wait for Nev blog. The situation is shady at Blizz, we just got some bones to chew for 2/3 weeks.
Free based his analysis on the average GR of all classes, and barb are 4 GR behind the AVERAGE of all classes. Wizard are the highest performers. All Free’s proposal are covering the 4GR Gap so for put the barb in the middle of the pack.
When you talk about GR lvls, even if u might think there is a “few levels” between one and another, in terms of damage, 4 lvl average is HUGE, you have to DOUBLE the damage.
So, with a little draw :
Barb Damage
Wizard Damage
As a result there is Nothing
to close that gap, they can blind buff all the skill of the barb and we will even be behind
Apparently dev team won’t promote WW and heavy DoT use to cause heavy burden on servers. Surprising. Right? Hence why they won’t blindly buff Barbarians without any care. They have to get rid of technical issues first before buffing them and promoting their use.
Their excuse for that is most likely their “precious meta” that they wanna keep. Burst damage was never a problem but they want to keep zdps barb in meta as well. That’s what I got so far, otherwise you can not explain lack of action on development team. By keeping in meta, I mean as it is; no-damage dealing aggro soak.
It doesn’t matter what the excuse is or why they are unable to work on their own game’s classes.
What matters is that the community did the work and put in the effort.
You are being dishonest when you frame this as Barb players wanting to be stronger than Wizard or that all Barb builds affect the server negatively.
Barb players don’t give a damn about being stronger than OP Vyrs or OP StarPact macro builds. They just want to be viable with their own builds and not literally be 10-15+ GR levels in DPS for 5 years straight. That’s ridiculous.
The only reason Barb is even 7 GR levels on average within anything is Raekor Wall Charge bugs.