2.6.6 and Barbs: A Measured Response

Folks, thank you. Seriously, this is touching, and I legit appreciate this. But I didn’t do this alone. Rage, my co-author, to whom I owe a tremendous amount to for his support, friendship, and knowledge, contributed just as much as I did. So did the greater Barb community. All y’all is what counts.

I’m not crying, you’re crying

Let’s do what we do and keep the discourse heading in the right direction. Let’s work with Nev to make sure we’re heard and understood. Let’s remember that Nev is also the messenger, not the problem, and that her renewed presence here benefits everyone.

Feel that 1000% hence the book report.

Ladies and gents, fellow Barbs and supporters, y’all keep it going stronk.


I suppose Flavor of Time could be useful for EQ build or at least i’m going to try it instead of hellfire amulet. Other than that you are right, all other items seems to be useless for barbs.

Flavor of Time might become a mandatory cube slot for jewelry slot.

Which will also lead to even more fishing

Doubling your conduit and power pylons in perfectly dense rifts could become a must for those looking to inch out the highest possible GR.


I love this class and you have my support because we need a great barbarian again !


i quit D3 previous PTR, but i have been trough this sh.it with barbs past 6 years. many of yall have other chars as well, it wasnot my case tho. i was only playing barb.

screw all these new bullsh.its they are trying to feed you with.its either play other class or quit D3. i have made my choice. no bunch of developers is going to tell me which class should i play.


Free, thank you again for the well stated and huge amount of work you did here and every time a chance for improvement comes up to shine some light for those who will see.

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We ultimately have bad luck every PTR.

What makes it worse though is the teasing… started 4.5 years ago with Mortick’s and the first iteration of Immortal King (500%). IK got dropped to 100% and Mortick’s was secretly removed.

And it seems like every patch since then we’ve had similar issues. Barbarian might actually receive a good buff… no wait, cut it in half the final PTR. Rinse and repeat.

We didn’t even get a glance last PTR/Patch though which is why I ultimately ended up not playing this past season. DH just didn’t appeal to me. I really wanted to play Barbarian.

Looks like it’s happening again. The General Population items are interesting but they ultimately do very little to spark my interest.


Barbarian class: Ugly foster child even the State can’t pay foster parents enough to take decent care of.

That sums up how most Barbs seem to feel these days. We feel like we’re second–no, third banana–and the data supports it. We’re constantly shelved, ignored, and delayed. The book report speaks for itself. Just look through the patch notes and behold our sordid and very boring history.


I really don’t like current the dev team. I know what exactly the new blog will be like:

  1. they have limited resources, cuz they wanna make d4 ‘great’.
  2. they want to focus on season content.
  3. balance is the least priority. You barb live with this ****.

Change set buff num is so hard? can cuz a lot of bugs? God damn, the excuses. How stupid.

with a dev who can’t fix this easy buff, how can I believe they can make d4 great.


Currently the best clean on season is around 127 for Barb and 142 for Wizard. Even if it cant be representative…

15 lvl of GR is a HUGE gap, they can blind buff the base damage of all our skill, it wont be enough to close it. I dont see any king of argument from “subtile tweaks around a balanced meta”, they just dont care.

After having read these threads and the barbarian community proposals, my fundamental question would be: why? I think I can recall seasons ago the barbarian community already talking about the need for better jewelry to boost the class’ power, and here we are years later with no real change for the better.

Do any of you think that the game developers might think that barbarians are fine where they are for now ? This is what’s implied by the blue posts that nothing more is forthcoming for now but they aren’t finished considering barbarians.


First, I support the Barbarian class 100% and have mad respect for Free, Rage and the rest of the dedicated community for all they have done.

Clearly the Barbarian as a class has not received equitable treatment for a very long time, most acutely from the perspective of those who mainly prefer and play the Barbarian.

But, from a whole-game perspective, could it be that the developers have a totally different approach? They may see D3 as a game with multiple classes, available to all players, each with it’s specific niche? Maybe they believe that the game as a whole is ‘in a good place’ because there is a class for most everything (support, solo, group, RGK, speed farm, etc.). And since it’s all equally available to those who obtain game access, maybe they feel that that should be enough?

A nose shouldn’t wish to be an eye, neither should a foot wish to be a hand. Each is valuable and necessary in it’s rightful place, so that the whole body can be fully functional as it was designed…

…One body, many parts?

This of course does nothing for those who only prefer one class. :frowning:

It’s funny how this thread is no longer under ‘TOP’ FREE, consider re-posting

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The part that gets me grinding is that it would be so simple to fix. They dont have to redo the entire class. Proposal #1 is so simple to implement into the game. Absolutely no risk of bugs or problems, it is literally just a change of numbers.

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Improved echoing fury: While 2 or more enemies do not die within a range of 3 seconds, add 15% attack speed e the other bonus of movements every 0.5 seconds. (accumulates up to 5 times).

Blizzard please…

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Maybe cuz the community manager pressed the nuke button. Nuke every posts from Free.

This is a kind of, so called, crowds control.

D u remember the April fool’s joke in last year Blizzcon?

I think “top” posts are cycled out based on time.

That and activity. Not a huge deal. I’m talking directly with Nev at present.

So much wackiness in this patch. EF’s attack speed modifier is its old attack speed property packaged as a leg affix. It was slowly erased from the game starting before Loot 2.0. The damage bonuses from Crimson and Aughild are additive. Squirt’s is a ramp-up mechanic over 12 seconds, 2 seconds of which are nothing, and the DR part is bugged to work with shields (such as the one granted by Gizzard). Most of this info comes from Cratic’s Wizard thread.

These new items are an absolute mess. And yet, for Barbs, all they had to do was our List 1 fixes and BOOM. We would have been happy.

A few weeks ago, I had high hopes for 2.6.6. Now it looks like a disaster.



List 1 was so simple, so easy to implement. Would have made Barbs happy.

Sure, it wouldn’t fix stuff like Rend or Avalanche, but it would have been a huge improvement over our current state.