10 year break from D3. Here's what I think about it now!

Well, I’m glad you wasted a little of your time to check it out and comment :slight_smile:
It would be nice if Blizzard found a way to continue development. I’m sure they could do that through seasonal battle passes. If the content is good, people will play it. D2 exists in the same world D3 exists, and so will D3 exist in the same world as D4.

Short answer is as someone else said, you’re about 10 years too late. Long answer is, capping it at 2000 which some folks can reach by the end of the first week or like me only 3 weeks into a new season is just silly. That’s what gave me the impression that you don’t play all that much. But really, the other answer is, if you find so much else wrong with the game that you have to write a wordy treatise on what needs to change, perhaps it’s time you quit again.

Just sayin’.


It is SUPPOSED to be big. Why else would players spend so much time accumalating paragon?

Not sure why you bothered creating such a list though. Maybe you haven’t played for 10 years, but the rest of us have, so we already know what the issues are, just like we know none of them are going to be addressed at this point.

Glad you enjoyed the game though.

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Damn, that’s a lot of words. Too bad I’m not readin 'em.

Also, you are 11 years too late. They aren’t changing anything.


D2 got remaster so they put some work but new patch is very small. Main focus is D4 for now. Blizz said another D3 season will be final one with new stuff then old mechanics will just recycle. Still don’t expect anything big.

Maybe if D3 gets remastered too after 10 years they will improve some things but I doubt it as it doesn’t have that legendary, nostalgia status as D2 and trend for remasters will probably be over by then.

Same reason I never read ‘War and Peace’ also. Not reading a wall of text about a 10 year old game that OP just now ‘rediscovered’, concerning issues that players have been aware of for years.

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You only think that because you’ve been out of the loop for 10 years.
They WERE fixable issues, but not anymore.
We’ll get a farewell S29 with some random, unbalanced and full of bugs theme and that’s it. I’m not saying it won’t be interesting or fun to play for a while.
If you take the time to browse these forums, you’ll notice how devs completely ignore 99% of all feedback.

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The head of my company was once asked “Why doesn’t anybody read the suggestions in the suggestions box?” He replied “Every single one of them is read, most of the suggestions are idiotic. Idiotic people think their idiotic suggestions are brilliant. Once in a while, someone comes up with something legit”. :joy:

How is that a reason though? What bearing does the time have on my suggestion? Is this a “devs don’t listen anyway” argument? Is this a “it’s been this way too long for me to imagine anything different” argument? Kinda sounds like a sunken cost fallacy.

This is why you read the whole post. I’m also talking about increasing the exp curve so that it takes longer to reach level 2000. The curve increases so much that only a few legit players will every reach past level 1950. The only people who are reaching 2000 will be nolifers and botters, which is the same as the ones reaching paragon 8000 now.

Well, if you read the whole thing, you would have had a better understanding, and I actually did play quite a lot.

As I mentioned at the very beginning, I think Diablo 3 in its current state is 9/10 will play again. I’m only focusing on the problems because that’s the point of this essay. I don’t think anyone wants to hear about the reasons I liked the game because that would be an essay 3x as long as this one lol.

Thanks for sayin’! I hope you will consider my reply and let me know what you think.

No fallacy, just the idiom “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. You see, it’s okay to think the game isn’t perfect but as someone else said, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”

Point is, I personally think your rework for a paragon would be a detriment to the game. I don’t have to defend that stance, I mean, I’m obviously not going to change your mind and you sure as eff ain’t gonna change mine.

If you can’t compete with “no-lifers” (giving people titles that evoke images of the kind of person outside the game is just wrong. “Casuals” and “no-lifers” are nothing short of slurs against other players), then don’t compete with them. Why do we need to change the game just because you don’t like one number more than another. (if 2000 is equivalent to 8000 then your idea doesn’t actually change anything and so makes no god damned sense.)

Thanks for reading.


Is it though? It seems to me like it’s an unintended result due to the 10 year power creep, and not an actual, stated, design goal.

Because they can, and there’s nothing else to do.

Because I wanted to, and I’m glad you read some of it.

If you already know what the issues are, do your issues with the game line up with my issues, or do we have a difference of analysis there?

Thanks, I hope you do as well!

Honestly, power from paragon is often overstated.

You get close to 20k main stat from gear and augments alone, and at say 2k paragon you have another 5k from paragon, putting you at a total of about 25k main stat typically. A 8k paragon player has another 6k paragon, 30k mainstat. So a little more than double damage and double defense. About 5-6GRs worth of damage, and a bit more from defense depending on build. If play a build that can fit gaurdians in, which is a huge buff at low paragon, but losing most of it’s value at 8k, then the difference is even smaller.

So it’s a significant difference, but not as astronomical as it sometimes is made out to be.

There are many other contributing factors to 8k players pushing higher and faster than 2k players:

  • better gear
  • plugging in more keys (ie, more time spent pushing/fishing)
  • better execution (more time spent playing and learning the game)
  • larger fraction of demographic uses cheats

So capping paragon (I could take it or leave it myself) wouldn’t level the playing field as much as some would think. Ppl would still be here on the forums complaining about the paragon 1995 players that they cant compete with.

This is a few years old but holds up pretty well. Must see TV for returning players

Diablo 3 Complete Greater Rift Guide - YouTube

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Yes, it is.

from what I read of your list, you seem to hit the majority of people’s pain spots.

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These are excellent suggestions. I hope they at least address the class/set imbalance in the next season.
I certainly think that’s the #1 priority before the game slips into a pseudo-coma.
I think another possibility is to buff legacy of nightmares/dreams and nerf sets so that nightmares/dreams become the default go-to set. That way, classes are no longer bound to sets and devs won’t have to worry so much about re-balancing sets at least.

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D3 will be on life support after S29. :ambulance: The remaining players will get recycled season themes.

Will Diablo III continue to have new Season themes or will they start repeating after Season 28?

Season 29 will have a new Season theme. Rod Fergusson elaborated further “it won’t be as rich as Season 28”. Starting with Season 30 previous Seasons will be repeated. There will be “a mix and match of previous cosmetics and features that made up previous Seasons”. Future development efforts will go into Diablo IV.

  • Wowhead interview

That certainly would be a big improvement.

Yep, completely agreed.

While those boosts should just be removed, I really disagree here, one of D3s many mistakes was allowing AoE skills to work viably as single target skills, and sometimes vice versa, making the different purposes and balances of skills lose all meaning.

Players should certainly be able to be decent at both single target and AoE.
By picking both an AoE and a single target skill in their build.

Flavor of the Month design. Presumably on purpose, as the alternative would indicate gross incompetence. Each set takes turns being OP for a period of time.

Would definitely be an improvement, albeit imo all class sets should just be removed, as they are too restrictive on skill slots.
Sets should have 2-3 pieces (can have more slots available, just no bonuses for more), and yeah, have fairly generic bonuses, focusing on themes rather than skills.

This one I dont like (and I understand you touch upon it too). Classes should have exclusive access to all their own skills. To preserve class identities. New skills from gear is great, but it should be different skills than the class skills. Grim Dawn style basically.

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I’m sure it gets tricky sometimes. Example, HotA build. Can use as AoE or single (and it gets stronger). The alternate could maybe have been another ability but they’d have to ensure the elemental damage on that ability somehow coincide with the AoE one so that the +20% on your cuffs isn’t void one one skill and not the other.

S29 is going to be the last new season and probably the last with balance changes, too.

I hope next patch is last one with balancing. I can finally clean my stash then.