What are they doing? What’s so important they couldn’t tell us about days before they decided to do it?
well, now that you asked - I was having lunch with one of blizzard CTOs, and he gave me this list of changes:
A number of bug reports have been filed recently relating to macOS. Could be related to that.
I haven’t checked to see if there have been any changes to battleDotNet but occasionally there are compatibility changes required there, too.
There was a small change to the Forums. Stickies are expanded and there is now an Avatar shown for latest response in Top Topics.
I noticed that I have to scroll past all the ancient, irrelevant stickied posts on the “Latest” listings on mobile. It’s a bit painful. I haven’t looked to see if it can be turned off yet.
Edit. No, doesn’t seem to be possible to deactivate the plague of pinned posts. And desktop is similarly cluttered, too. Unfortunate.
Search has gone, too?
Indeed, the icon is missing…
But the search page is still there if needed: Search page
You could add that functionality to the “hamburger” at the top of the forum and to the left of your avatar…
It’s painful… this needs to be done for each forum, region and language… but it beats having to type the link each time, I suppose. At least, it transfers over to my other devices when I access the forums.
To do so, click on the “+” button located at the bottom right of the panel, and fill in the required info… as in:
Too bad the “blizzard-search” and “magnifying-glass” icons are blank.
Ctrl+Alt+f also seems to work… although I don’t know how to do that on my tablet
Bliz has gotten some feedback about the pinned thread previews. Don’t hold me to it quite yet, but there’s a semi-decent possibility that the previews won’t be staying.
Well, to no longer see pinned topics, you must select “Muted” in the tracking options.
The “pinned/Unpinned” option doesn’t work currently.
Actually… unpinning each pinned topic removes its preview… as in:
The topics still appear at the top of the category, but the preview is now hidden. You will need to do this for each category where you want to hide the preview…
oh, so it’s not just for me. Good to know.
What an annoying change …
Thank gawd. What an awful change.
you’re my hero!
It’s back !!