益 What I HATE about Diablo IV Gameplay

I think most of them know, they just like complaining just to complain. Anyone who’s followed Blizzard or has played WoW since 2006 understands this. Players have complained about upgrades not feeling like they are upgrades. So they basically made them 15% increases each time so you can “feel” it. Of course it’s going to get out of hand and the same people whining about not being able to feel upgrades then whine about power creep and large numbers.

With all respect to Lostariel, how his statement “justifies” this decision? You end up coming to a halt at end game like any other RPG and only depend on small guaranteed bumps from paragon level because vertical power growth exceeded the utility of horizontal growth also known as diversified builds.
Blizzard developers followed this notion because the base game design largely built upon distinguished profession of class fantasies; not much multi-class options available, and performance is always a concern when doing so. Also they wanted players to reach end game faster to build progress revolving around seasonal journey. Making player deal 140-150x more damage, still make them look for crumbs and small upgrades at the endgame.

True, but I still can’t see how allowing 150x damage growth with 50-60% damage mitigation plastered on everything justifies itself when end game is same. Numbers are just an utility here, they just worked with what they have. People wanted to live their class fantasies and with ever scaling difficulty, the end; bigger numbers is just a byproduct.

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Both yes and no, what I really wanted is to explain and suggest a potential fix for the “infinite” power growth, i.e. cut it earlier and let latest several levels of gear not “empower” each other in previous manner (i.e. if lvl30 gear is say 15% stronger than lvl25 gear, doesn’t mean lvl35 gear should also be 15% stronger than lvl30, they can cut down that progression down to 10 or 12% at latest levels as well)

The second part is the one that’s more important I’d say, the reason why a % based increase is the approach as opposed to linear progression is basically because of the possibility to “end up with” negative numbers, that’s all

And to be frank, Blizz isn’t the only company that uses % based empower as a model, it’s that the way D3 was made things went significantly out of control, regardless, in the late game there should be other ways of “power increase” introduced and the “linear progression” slowed-down (or even stopped)

Never claimed it’s justified. It’s just what players and Blizzard to some degree at some point wanted.

I haven’t consistently played a Blizzard game or logged into the forums in years.

A friend informed me of this post and I logged in just to upvote you OP.



Complaining just to complain is dev’s choice if they let players to do so. What I tried to explain to you in that other thread. They could just limit players posting. Your kind of “dev defenders” arent helping either.

Big company like Blizzard with massive community, the feedback and community itself start to hurt your sales and brand. Hell, it might even bring your company down. When kids start to come together, eventually you gotta show them where to stand. Best strategy is just to put them look forward, at your company.

remember when d3’s beta showed its most developed level by far? every youtuber back then was like uh…the 2nd act took 2 seconds why is this?
that explains it, the game was rushed out, bc it had no idea what values to hit so they guessed felt pressured then rushed it.

a nice long year of asking everyone around to gather opinion first would of totally steered d3 in the right direction, bc the shallow comments of “do this do that” w/o explanation can be discarded and the ones with reasoning can be looked at and that’s how you can see when comments actually have thought behind them.

It seems like we’ve got at least partial Hit Recovery for character in Diablo 4, and this is really promising.

Set slowest playback speed and check this out:


It is, however, hard to understand what triggered Hit Recovery (except the 1st moment where, if it is really it, is triggered by an arrow skeleton shot) and it looks like it happens without a reason. I hope they will fix this.

Could enemies just hard an innate ability to stun?

Diablo was inspired from Conan? Huh? This is a whole lot of text from someone not being able to play yet.

Diablo 3 had no hit recovery mechanic, at least not controllable, but some hard hitting damage still staggers your character in D3 unless you have crowd control impunity from an ultimate transformation such as; Champion of Akarat, Epiphany, Vengeance, Wrath of the Berserker and Archon. Don’t look at it that way until you see the finalized character sheet. We gave our feedback about staggering monsters to cumulative chill attempts resulting up to a freezing effect. Similar mechanics might have apply for player or they might get in a small blunt trauma when they hit certain health thresholds.

Also comment section is more enjoyable than the gameplay video with repeating music.

I’m not sure any of these 3 animations is a stun and I think it will have its own animaiton like that D3 has. All these 3 are different and the 1st one is unique in an ARPG genre (stagger while running). If, ofc, it is it (too hard to be sure 100%).

It would be odd for them to add it, show it off, and not say anything. But then, I’ve been around long enough to know they have done a lot of stealth fixes/adding/subtracting from games before.

It is not such a big innovation to talk about. And there was no sense to touch the topic itself (animations) as they need to fix a lot first.

Btw, one more stagger while running on 02:13 (axe hit). This looks really good, I hope there will be a lot of such moments.

Sure there was. Hit recovery has been debated since 2000. Again in 2008 forward with its removal. So if it were added back, just a mention like they are trying it out, would be the minimum. They know people investigate every piece of media looking for clues.

Its devs choice. They should be building their marketing now, not taking feedback. The 90s forum communication system is gonna hurt them for sure.

They can take feedback whenever they want. Maybe limit posting before launch, then unlimited after launch? But then again best ideas comes usually before launch, its kinda tricky one.

This is the best post on the essence of what makes diablo great that I’ve ever seen. This deserves more discussion and reads.

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Necromancers are alive on the forum today.

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I agree with that.

Well D4 is probably going into a cl. Beta, which means that the basic concept of the game is basically built for now, and if that doesn’t tend in that direction, but rather corresponds to D3, we already have a fundamental problem, on which all subsequent problems then automatically build.

Let’s hope that the right decisions had been made. Otherwise, you can only about add ons edit the game again piece by piece in the base, but the damage will then be done again.

The post of the TE is but really a kind of guidance and excellent.

Yes you’re right. The main decisions have been made, and there will probably only be minor changes. But this all depends on how the community reacts. The players have a lot of leverage, they just don’t often use it.