They’re changing how the damage and damage-type works… It’s no longer “static” (i.e. what you read on your item) but rather dynamic toward the stats of the opponent (same attack does different things to different target)
So it’s more like “yu-gi-oh” (or insert any card game) of that matter… Only in card-games the numbers substract and the differential goes towards the player’s HP in damage number, these ones divide instead… Long-story-short, here’s how I think they envisioned/works:
Damage = Skill-Damage * totalATK / targetTotalDEF, and for elemental damage types I’d assume it be:
Damage = Skill-Damage * totalATK / targetTotalDEF * ((1 + ElementAmp%) / (1 + ElementRes%))
And yes, EACH mob/type (regardless how skinny or how insignificant) would also have their own ATK & DEF ratings as well :P, and even more so clear than before they’re “ditching” the Auto-Attack as damage source and placing it on Generators instead (even generators have their own Skill-Damage amount), hence the assumption that base-damage (without ATK/DEF or Amp/Res or Trigger modyfiers) is the damage of the skill itself
It’s an assumption at this point (after all we all forgot to ask in the Q&A), and tbt the devs have kept it a vague-info/secret in a large portion, or at least something they didn’t feel the need/urge to talk about… So maybe even if we asked probably wouldn’t have given a thorough answer but would’ve gotten some basic info about the ATK and DEF
And yes, I based that assumption (nothing that’s been confirmed) based upon the “common” ratio between items (weapon and armor pieces), because Weapon always seems to have just above the ATK rating that the totals of DEF ratings on the armor pieces would be… For ex. Weapon ATK was in the 8k range, and the chest armor was below 3k… As you can see they also re-added ATK/DEF to the jewelry as well (at first didn’t look right, probably still not but it’s nice to know that you can have 2 types of jewelry, those that increase your ATK, and those that increase your DEF)
But yes, one thing you can be sure of, the ATK and DEF are ratings, not “pure” damage numbers