Zax´s Item Finding Guide

Thats why is chaos overrated :smiley: Travincal would be a lot more HRs :slight_smile:

I kinda hate this. Such usage of term “treasure class” brings confusion when you are explaining slightly more complex matters (e.g. rune drops).

Amulets, Ring, Jewels, Charms, Gems and Runes do belong to TCs.

A treasure class is not this. Treasure class is a “tree of loot”, with branches and leaves. Leaves are smaller treasure classes. Specific items or “atomic” treasure classes (like the ones everyone is always referring) are the leaves. And what you are talking about here are the “atomic” treasure classes. When loot is generated, game walks down the tree, makes certain picks based on fixed values (e.g. unique monsters dropping 4 potions) or random numbers (e.g. choosing between gear runes or gems) until it reaches the leaves.

P.S. I am not even a fan of the “atomic” treasure class because there are still picks made inside them (however that is made outside the TreasureClass tree, so maybe it’s fair). I think i have seen it some drop calculator and found it more appropriate.

Sorry but this is not true, they do not have treasure class.

That is true. An item does not have “a treasure class”. It is backwards. A treasure class has items in it. Item belongs to a treasure class.

And Amulets for example belong to treasure classes Jewelry A, Jewelry B, Jewelry C

P.S. suggested for further reading: Item Generation Tutorial - Diablo Wiki


I understand what do you mean but term of treasure class is used only for armor and weapons.

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Incredible work, well put together. Bravo.

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i too understand what you mean, that is why I prefaced my reply with “I kinda hate this.” to indicate opinion.

This is a kind of simplification that leads to misunderstanding.

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I just wanted to say that I started working on palading walkthrough. I had already done one for the guide, but I am testing new one trying to find out if Foh/smitter 2.4 patch playthrough will be better and safer for HC than hammerdin.

Also I am going to start working on Item databse, I will have armors as first :slight_smile:

been lucky found 2 jah and 3 ber since launch

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Nice work!! really nice

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This post should be pinned top so its never lost.


Love This!!! 202020202

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Thx guys, I am really happy anyone like this after so much work i put in it :slight_smile:

Btw I will be using second post for pictures with some good informations as pictures cannot be seen in first post because of hidden parts you roll out. I just added first thing into second post: List of Bosses and they level and treasure class.

Zax: since you wrote this aimed at people who do not know much about the game: I think you ought to throw some statistics information in there as well. Include drop chances and explain the expectations of players rerunning zones ad nauseum like robots or autistic people :confused: It’s all well and good to say where things are “most likely” to be found, but you should also mention just how “likely” that actually is. It is cruel to give people false hope.

All in all: I like the organization. Very impressive :open_mouth:

I understand what do you mean but to do something like that it could be missleading because d2 loot is highly RNG.

I will think about it.

I think my item database will help with this to be honest to show that many items is valuable even when people just sell it to vendors not being aware of true value.

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Oh yes, the part that is still on its way. That would be nice. I suspect the main reason things like low level necro shields with +3 skele mastery and +3 skeleton are so rare is because most people do not look at them.

You have done a lot of work, but you have a lot more ahead of you :grinning:

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Very awesome work! I salute you!

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Just out of curiosity, which walkthrough should I do next? I cant decide. I already have finished Sorceress which is in guide and thinking which to make and add as next.

I’d suggest going from the most common to least common classes played. So after Sorc, Paladin or Necro?

Yeah i started paladin :slight_smile: I have done some test and holy bolts does not seem to be that strong but they are great for start and super safe for HC.