"Your Connection has been Interrupted" happening every 5 to 15 minutes

For the last 4 days I have frequently been getting the message “Your Connection has been Interrupted” and kicked out of the game (Approximatly every 5 to 15 minutes) making it difficult to progress. I have searched for a solution and tried all the “Connection Troubleshooting” topics and seen little or no difference. This is mainly happening during the hours of 4pm - 11pm EST. I have found that the few times i’ve tried playing at different times like 1am or 9am I have experience few to no problems. Is this just a matter of player traffic because of the new season starting? If so isn’t this something that would have been addressed by season 9? Or is it something else in which case, is there anything that can be done to diagnose what is causing this?


this is caused by few things…

#1 current game build on th eserver isn’t particularily stabile
#2 more players play due to a scam of advertising “wsad” movement feature, which was later cut out…
#3 christmas break is nearing everywhere… so ppl outside the US or in US in companies that guarantee paid days off, decided to extend their christmas break and start it earlier, so they could literally grind D2R for 3/4 of a month or even longer…

so finally more ppl play the game than originally the D2R developers intended, hence the servers are overloaded… and blizz is not going to do a darn thing about it, since D2R isn’t their ca$h cow like diablo immortal and D:IV

same here. just got kicked out while playing.

and if you complain to much you will get banned you just have to cop not being ableto play the game you paid for blizzard has all power over the game you dont actually own it