Your best unexpected item drops?

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My two best unexpected drops so far were a Lo rune in the mausoleum

And a Vex from Andariel.

What’s your story about unexpected damn good drops?

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Found Ohm and Sur running Countess 30 or so times for mid level runes, taking the normal left turns, and also killing anything along the way. (Lem to make a Wealth armor) I got the Lem, then of course when I run her for more hi roons doing the same thing, I get a big fat nothingburger. Ohm and Sur dropped in the levels before reaching level 5. Running with a FoHdin.

I swear to RNGesus, this game knows what you want, and purposely doesn’t drop it.


I got Cham in Act 1 Pits and I think they were Terrorized. Not sure if it would drop otherwise but I remember getting Cham and it was a rune I actually wanted because I wanted Plague for a Cleric. Alas I got a crap roll on it(+1 Skill) but at least it dropped. Another was a perfect Anni from DClone(20/20/10) so I suppose there is that too XD. I’m never deleting my character(whose Non-Ladder now) because of that.

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4 Scrolls of Town Portal from Duriel. sarcasm


Pssh, if it was 6 TP scrolls at once, you might have something. Try again.



Solo running NM baal waves trying to level from 55-60, Ohm rune off wave 1, and a shako from baal himself in the same run, haven’t found anything worth mentioning since lol.

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I just wanted to test the improved immunity reduction from my new items and went into one of the caves in Act 5 in Hell mode because the mobs there are particularly frost-resistant.

After 2-3 minutes one of the witches there drops a Ber rune for me. So no targeted farming, just like that…

And I won’t forget my first SoJ drop either… Farm the cows in Hell and one of them gives me an SoJ.

Also nice was last season, in Act 5 Hall of Pain on Hell, when I dropped a yellow amulet with only +1 skill to Sorc, but +2x all resis, +xx life, 10% FCR, gold from monsters increased by XX% and + to strength of 15 or something like that.

I thought to myself, oh, if that had been a +2, that wouldn’t be bad at all. Most of the rings and amus I find are 99% scrap.

Oh yes shako… Rakanishu dropped this on me once for Tristram Hell in Act 1 when I just wanted to get the leg for a cow run… I think it was 2 seasons ago.

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I once had Andariel drop… nothing. Literally nothing. No gold, no scrolls, N O T H I N G.

I didn’t think that this was possible.

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Make sure and lure Andariel out in an open area of the map, such as the center area between the double doors and the start of the pillars. If she dies next to a wall or one of those pillars, I’ve noticed her not drop anything much more frequently. That being said, I have also seen her drop nothing even when she dies in an open area, which I attribute to RNG giving me the finger.

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My first play through when d2r came out I was in act 3 hell and I dropped a jah rune. Also on my third completed Uber trist (failed twice) dropped a 20/20 zon torch

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Got 2 - Lo’s in a single run, from a single large pack in Dark Wood TZ’d. 2, from 1 mob!
Got a Vex in Cold Plains TZ’d.
Got a Jah in Flayer Jungle TZ’d.
Got a Jah from random mob while approaching Travincal, TZ’d.
Got an Ist in the Pits TZ’d, the only time the Pits have ever given me anything worth mentioning since D2r released.
Got a Vex, in back to back Cow games, 2 vex in 2 (back to back) games, then got another Vex a few games later in same Cow TZ time limit.
There was a time when I was finding so many HoZ’s I was giving them away in “free” games…
Diablo, TZ’d dropped me a Death’sWeb, the only one I have ever found, which inspired me to make a Necro that I am still trying to figure out.

but for the most part;
Mostly I am excited to land Shael and above… Dol’s are an outstanding drop (so I keep chipped rubies around), and a Hel once in a blue moon renders some hope. LOL!
Have not seen a HoZ drop in over a year.

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I hadn’t played D2 in so long, I wasn’t aware of all the ‘new’ fancy runewords. I was so excited for D2R I took the day off on it’s release. I can’t recall the exact timeline but in very short order I had found ber and jah rune. I had made a couple new friends who were telling me how crazy that was and at that point I realized I had to start studying up on all of the changes since my day (back in my day, we used duped SOJs to buy shakos and windforces).

At first I traded by ber for a full tals set for my weak butt sorc. Then I was able to sell just the tals armor for another ber and at that point my pally was well enough along to make an enigma. Had life on easy street after that.

The only Jah rune I ever got was from some enemy that Shenks screen clear killed, on players1

Blood Moor TZ testing out stuff. Windforce dropps off a trash mob. :smiley:
Cham was my first TOP4 rune, was WSK 2 TZ.

20 years ago, my first SoJ dropped from Mephi.

My craziest run was 2x Ber and a jah drop in the same game. Was doing TZ trav and the council drop a Ber, after decide to just go frigid Highlands to clear both bosses and the mods drop a Ber n a jah. Best single run ever :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

4 full juvs from 1 boss. Only had it once.

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