Xbox Series X cannot connect to server message

I have D2R on Xbox Series X and I’m getting the “Issue occurred while communicating with game servers” message. I’ve reset my modem, router, console, uninstalled and reinstalled, checked my NAT settings, and even gone into my account and relinked it to my Xbox Live account. None of these have made an impact. This has been going on for a couple of days now, and one of my friends who lives a state or two away is able to play just fine.

Anything else I can try? Thanks in advance for any help.


What power setting do you use on xbox? Settings - general - sleep mode/startup - sleep mode

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It’s currently set to standby.

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Set it to energy saver and then choose full shutdown from the same power menu. Go bananas, unplug the xbox for 30 seconds and plug it back in and then try d2r again

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Wow, are you a genuine missive of the lord? That actually worked!

Thank you!!

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Glad to help enjoy !!

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Why do we have to keep doing this to play??


I’m really not a big enough nerd to clearly answer this question lol.

Basically the xbox uses a cache to store data so it can be loaded quickly. Over time or after something like an update, a disconnect or in the case of some games (looking at you GTA v) a lobby change it can become full, or have conflicting data. When you use instant on the xbox doesn’t clear the cache when its in stand by mode or if you choose reset.

This is why when you put in a support ticket for almost any issue on xbox the first step is a hard reset.

You can avoid many issues with the xbox by

  • Avoiding the always on power option and using energy saver instead.


  • Shutting down the xbox by holding the power button until it turns off - every time.

This isn’t really an issue with d2r, but a flaw with the xbox and with computers in general.

Hope that makes sense. Cheers

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This is exactly the same situation with me, but it doesn’t on my XBOX, painful and crazy

I’m having this issue as well and so was my friend last night. I did these steps and it worked, he didn’t, and his started working too… Not sure if me doing the steps or just a coincidence because this morning, same thing, have tried that MULTIPLE TIMES and it won’t work.

Online only games are trash, live service games are a fraud especially when they’re being sold under perpetual license. This company just needs to release physical copies DRM free so we can enjoy single player.

I cant get the servers to connect either… this is dumb… even did a cache dump on the newest xbox.

Last night (first time I launched the game after downloading it, I could not get past the main title screen. After I finally did (cache dump Xbox series X), I played for a bit, went to bed. This morning, I can get to the screen where I can play offline, the main menu screen. I just don’t want to roll a new character for offline only…

I have same issue with d2. D3 and d4 is ok. Only d2r has problem. It’s ridiculous.

That doesnt work what would work of blizzard gave a damn about their players like they do with diablo 4 wow they basically stop caring about d2r when d4 came out the updates wait i mean no updates wo seasons they promised should tell every player that but not everyone likes d4 and d3 i have them all but nothing beats D2