WTS NL GMB Perfect nonsup Faith

GMB 15/2/3 Faith. Perfect non-sup, only thing better is if it were made in a 15ED/3AR base.

Curious to see what people are willing to pay for it. I gave it a try and still prefer WF for PvM and don’t care about PvP


I hated WF tbh haha. But that is because I don’t teleport with my bowa and the Merc is constantly out of reach.

I recently started running faith GMB actually. I like it a lot. I think I prefer it over diamond & Matriarchal bow faith.

When it comes to gear GMB gives you less flexibility. But since I started running it with Death’s Hand & Death’s Guard I think I finally found my favorite setup (in areas with less demons, in areas filled with demons I switch to LOH + Nosferatu’s).

Good luck with the sale of that beautiful rolled bow.