WTF is blizzard excuse for not dealing with spam bots in lobby

like actual botter in game yeah u might have to spend effort to detect.

but what about the spam bots?

like seriously?

filtering chat is the most basic thing in the world

first off… you have “reports”
and u don’t have a “sell site” option after 2 years

you don’t allow us a block list to block them because it gets filled in 20 min

LITERALLY and high school person who has even learned forum code can write a code to detect this

wanna know how simple it is?

lets see

its really not complicated


limit NA chat to ascii
now you don’t need to filter out strange letters


here are some phases that are NEVER used by real people in game
“fast delivery” “quick service” “coupon code”

if you see those phrases of other phrases like those used plus a report for spam

it should be stupid simple to automate a ban

if String contains follow words multiple times and
Report String contains “Site” " or “sell”

if string contains " C O M" multiple times and a report: ban

these string searches can easily ignore spaces.

or if that’s too difficult… just allow us to block them?

i swear i haven’t coded for more than a 2 days in past 15 years and i could fix this in 20 min… or … you could literally have mods… mute bots… for free…


The excuse is…

They are a business. They don’t make money banning RMT/Spam bots.

Yeah, there are plenty of things they could do to help, but it involves spending time doing them. As we all know, time = money. Blizzard ain’t got the time or the money to waste on these player generated problems. Even if they did find a resolution, the RMT spammers will adapt and find a workaround, then we’ll be right back in the same boat with the same problem.

Want to permanently solve the problem?

Restrict trading like D3 does. Yeah, a lot of players hate the idea, but it would solve the RMT botting/spam problem. Open trading is great and all, for the legitimate players who don’t abuse it.

We’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. We want to eat and keep our cake. We want open trading, but we also want the bot spam to go away.

Personally I’d be fine with restricted trading, because I play SSF anyway.

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as above, money, money, money

Blizz won’t even move the last runewords added to ladder to non ladder

Or move Cain in A5, both of which would be easier (I think) than dealing with the bots

Basically, Neo-Buzzard manipulated you through nostalgia, and you bought an unfinished product in good faith. Lots of false advertisement was going on. To your dismay, yet again, Neo-Buzzard failed to deliver even the basic features that existed two decades prior, let alone deliver on the promises made in their video-advertisements or even those basic statements still on the D2R landing page.

Ban spam? They didn’t even finish the basic chat functionality.

BTW, I’m still Unable to Ignore these or any other accounts which both run MF bots and spam RMT websites into the Lobby and Trade chats. Many have been doing so since before Ladder Season 1 and still occupy spots on my full block list.


Man, I so wished for an actual market board in the game today, something like I thought awhile ago to pair with a currency tab and restricting trade D3-style would have been awesome. Did a couple of non-ladder trades on Traderie today, one went smooth, the other was an hour long ordeal with a dude that listed the item I wanted for a price I was willing to pay 2 minutes prior to me checking. Took 30 minutes to respond, by countering with upping his original cost (that he had JUST listed), then messaged me when I declined to accept the original offer, then couldn’t find it.

Never made a BoTD before, since the only Zod rune I ever found was back on 1.09, and I traded it during 1.10 for a full Tal’s set, which got “buffed” then (I used buffed lightly, in comparison to the amount they buffed the monsters, lol). Had a 6 os Eth Zerker I had sitting on a mule since pre-season, so decided to trade for a Zod and needed another axe base to pair it with an Oath on my Double Swing Barb, which turned out to be the painful trade. heh

I’ve learned with all things diablo, the more you ask for something, the less likely you are to get it, especially if they can’t figure out a way to make money off of it in the short term.

And I’m not speaking about the devs, I’m referencing the c suites. No personal attacks at all here.

If they really wanted to get rid of the bots and sites, they would have done so within the first 2 weeks. I’m not into conspiracy theories, but they must be getting something out of it to continue allowing it.

Improving D2R actually LOSES them money (because less people would play D4), so they won’t do it.


Implement this in a new “SSF” ladder mode, and see which mode reigns supreme :stuck_out_tongue:

Still able to play with others, but items are bound upon picking up.

That’d be fine by me.

That way botters can still have their fill. They’re going to get it anyway, they’ve proven time and time again they are superior to Blizzards anti-cheat. Let the noob wallet warriors keep funding the RMT botters so they can deck their toons out just like what is shown on the youtubez/icyveinz/maxrollz.

That’s not ssf mode; that’s a personal loot option on game creation. D3 did SSF mode in it’s current season, which is just single player with leaderboards. Personally, I didn’t touch it since it doesn’t add any specific solo mechanics (outside of the theme with the 800 cap paragon, which touched all game modes), and I wouldn’t touch it in D2R if they didn’t either a) have a seasonal theme, or b) an SSF specific mechanic beyond adding players x.

I am normally a strong advocate for an absolute free trading system, but when it’s become utterly lawless like this, promoting 3rd party cash shops and pay to win, essentially, I’d rather us all just find our own gear…

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They don’t need an excuse , open the group finder for M+ in Dragonflight - it’s the same thing right now lol .

I guess that’s how it’s always been , just like how the d2jsp RMT is allowed to exist .

sell is used by players who are attempting to sell or trade some goods like
Looking to Sell Shako! or w.e
course the chat is just spamed by bots so w.e

its from day 1. chance are, it not gonna stop

i honestly think they want it.

they gave us LOBBY with no option to NOT be in lobby. they do not govern the chat either. therefor. they run the sites. right? no other explanation for this.

i love how they remaster a game, and then treat it worse than the already made version. what a failed mess…


pay me minimum wage and I will ban the account of any spammer in lobby chat or whoever makes those trading site games.

while playing d2 on my 2nd monitor on another account like… this is soo simple.

there are also hundreds of people who would do it for free when they happened to be in the lobby with them.

Bring back the old channel system and modernise it. Problem solved with no permanent employee costs. Who would care about the default lobby if we could just autojoin our favourite channel with our own channel mod bot?

I miss the old ingame baalrun channels and regional channels


At this point, D2 is mostly a single player game now. Last I played, which was a few months ago, it was difficult to find a game in the lobby. Hell had several going, but most were for trading; the few that weren’t either had 1 person in it or it had been going on for hours. Norm wasn’t much better. NM was a literal ghost town with only 1 game active. 1. This was also around 6:00 pm on a Friday.

Nightmare and normal are always prettys empty. You spend not much time getting through them.

Hell games fill pretty fast and you often have to fight for your slot in runs.