Wtb java skiller, non lader


wtb java skiller plain or with life, please give rune value for each ;p


I got and 28 and 29 Lifer, you keen ??

If he’s not I’m keen.

Dunno about about the current pricing, Traderie had a recent purchase for a SUR
Forum discount, does a LO+VEX for each work?

dayum, I had recent purchases for 3ist - ohm for under 29life, when did they get so expensive lol😀

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Nice; that’s a bargain!

There were also 2x38 Lifers…
1 Sold at a JAH (22hrs ago)

The other one (07/06/22) looks super suss right? →
1 X Jah Rune
1 X Sur Rune
1 X Vex Rune
1 X Vex Rune
1 X Ber Rune

38+ lifers of any kind are always gonna be pricy everywhere, but especially on traderie where lifers are wildly Op

that is very sus and methinks is fake :joy:

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I can do 3 Lo for both if you still have the 28, 29 lifers.


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Smooth trade, thx CheeseBurger!

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i still wtb 3 java skiller no lifer needed ;p


FREE BUMP - Sorry for hijacking your post bro!

BUMP for Framantiko!

I got one Java with 1-30Lighting Damage

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hi thanks your price?

2 Mal’s work ? Not sure price

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I have a plain one for a Mal

hi dynamix, what do you ask for?

2 mal work for you? Just let me know.

have one ist if its good for you

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Yeah I guess that can work

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