WTB 3os sword non eth

Giving up on 3os eth 1handed sword and loooking for non eth 3os 1 handed sword superior is preferred i have runes to offer.

What kinda sword are you looking for in oarticular. Might have some

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mythical/Pb making a fury for A5 merc

Damn dude. I made a crescent moon and forgot I lose fanat from beast then charsid it like yesterday… sorry I’ll check if I have anything else later

right on thanks bud ,

I have 3os 14 ed Mythical Sword if you need

non sup 3 socket phase blade here. Whatever you can afford, trying to free up space


If u really want to use Fury go for eth Cryptic sword - you can roll 3os in cube. 0os eth cryptic sword is like lem/pul for one piece (or they were few days ago).
I personally give up on a5 for now (maby next updates will pump him a bit), he doesn’t have burst like a2 jab gives. So if you’re for GF merc use Emilio with ebotd or eth Arioc’s Needle

I hated GF barb until the frenzy merc. I decked him out with dual eth upped shael headstrikers, fort and cham 6LL arreats face and I love how fast he kills Trav now. Was using amn reapers toll, treachery and crown of thieves on a2 might merc before.

Rule no 1 of Gold Finding - do not use cold dmg :slight_smile:

I’m not saying A5 Frenzy guy is bad at all, but still can’t beat desert one sadly.
I’'ve tested dual eth upped Headstrikers. But council has too much healing.
For me results are very dissapointing, like for few other players who have eaten their teeth on Travi (they do not recommend Fury for now).
I’m using him with double Lawbringer on my windy dru - works well.

You should try Eth Arioc’s Needle with ias/ed jewel, eth CoH and Andy with ias/ed or lamprey 3os tiara with 2x ias/ed or damage to demons jewels + Cham.
Alternative comp is eBOTD + Fort + lamprey with 3xias/ed or 2xias/ed+cham (or cheaper version Andy with ral - some ias/fr jewel)

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I maxed leap and use howl to disable healing, it keeps me engaged and he kills each superunique in about 3-5s, the minions usually under 2s, 5s is usually the stone skin variant. What is the approx kill time for your setups in your experience? Interested in hearing your setup, thanks.

Saw a youtuber mention act 5 merc doesnt reqiure to have 2 sword for extra dmg, one in one handed sword with have twice the same dmg.

Not sure if its true, yet to try this out.

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I think my merc trav build is at or near the pinacle.

Ebotd GPA/War Pike
Eth upped GA
Crown of Ages

He can stand there by the Trav window eating Hydras for a good while. And can 1v1 most council members

Edit: a tombreaver setup would probably be better actually. But they are hard to come by.

Got an eth non-superior mythical sword, can socket it for 3os. LMK if need and what offer, thx.

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Ladder? If so, I’ve got a 15/3 Mythical 3 o’s.