Hey everyone! I recently am working on building a wolf barb for PvM as I have a near perfect wolfhowl that was waiting on my mule for a long time. A helmet I self found a long time ago but never been used. I’m just wondering what gear would be best for it. i already have gear ready for it and still deciding on a few more gears I should use. Here is the gear I have ready for it:
Wolfhowl (idk what to socket in it, maybe a cham or ed%/str jewel?)
ebotd gpa 407% ed 15ll (rolled out of a 12% ed/2 ar base, 5% ed off of perf)
x2 hoto on switch side
fort sacred armor (not too much str for a wolf barb lol)
steelrends 56% ed/18 str (could use loh but I’d prefer rends for the cb)
tgods 199% ed (I might up it)
gores (definitely plan on upping it)
rings (maybe raven/stats damage ring or dual stats damage rings?)
dtorch and anni
some random damage scs and ar scs
I was thinking druid torch would be better than a barb torch as I can buff lycan, wolf, and feral rage skills. Or do you guys think a barb torch would be better for the passive skills? I was also thinking grief pb + ss/phoenix would be a good choice too.
This is going to be my first time building a wolf barb out of all the years I’ve played D2. I’m getting excited to try 1 in action. Advice is welcome.