Wishlist for 2.5

Love the changes in 2.4, but can we get some love for some convenience features now?

  1. Currency tab for hopefully soon stackable items such as runes, gems (maybe essences and keys?).
  2. More stash space! It is impossible to keep all the items we want! Very easily fixable imo. Currently we have 1 private and 3 shared stashes. Turning this around would essentially triple stash space and the 1 shared stash can be used to swap items between chars.
  3. More character slots! My 20 spaces are all used up. How am I supposed to create a new ladder char (let alone multiple) for the new season?
  4. /player x for solo online play. It is really ridiculous to be forced to play together by not playing together! :slight_smile:

Agreed to all, adding few things (if you allow me to):

  1. First just about everything CharlesJT wrote here: Comprehensive Wishlist for Future Patch
  2. Personal loot that works this way: any damaging characters get loot dividedly allotted to them for 5-10 seconds before being free-for-all. Leechers don’t reap all rewards unless damaging/killing characters allow them to.
  3. Classic shared stash for God’s sake.
  4. Hostile feature is toxic and is there for griefing mostly, let me PvP when I want to, with whoever I want to. Make it initiative much like Trading prompt.
  5. Get rid of “Glitched Rush”. I thought people hated The Evil D3 because of low effort high reward? It’s also unhealthy to the game and group play that they also preach while being anti-social because their real ulterior motive is abusing fillers with pay-to-win crap.
  6. Charm inventory because all it does is time reduction and making it less tedious. Pure epitome of QoL.
  7. Fix the damned chat, bring back old lobbies with private channels, make friendlist work similar to D2LoD (friend joined game), make game list show all games not just Limit X. Also yes give consoles their damned lobbies same as PC.

Good suggestions, and a few more:

  1. Decide the fate of stamina: Stamina has always been one of the most pointless mechanics in the game. It servers no purpose after the player hits about mid-game and before that it only slows things down for no reason without adding any depth to the game. Either disable it completely or think of ways to make it a meaningful resource.
  2. big QoL improvements for ally AI. Getting through zigzaggy places with summons is an incredibly infuriating experience (maggot lair, any dungeon with tight doors).
  • Make summons follow the player more tightly and make them aggro from a bit further away.
  • Improve their path-finding smarts. They should be able to get back to the player even if there are some curvy paths in-between.
  • Make them enter doors before the player gets there if there are enemies on the other side.
  • And for evil’s sake, fix that situation when they just stand 3 yards away from mobs not doing anything. And that bit when they get stuck in corners and they don’t see enemies around it.
  • Not just summons, hirelings could get similar treatment. Make act1 rougues cast inner sight more reliably, make them try to stay out of trouble.
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Player 8 online kills ladder instantly.
That srory is so old. Yet, you guys simply do not get the point. The devs are aware, so it will never happen. It is just annoying that you come up with it all the time.

Diablo 3 has want you want



People already abuse players 8, it will change nothing except make it available to everyone. So making it more fair. Imagine thinking people who take Ladder seriously and competitively won’t abuse players 8.

D2LoD patch 1.0 is what you want.


Players 8 means ladder is 100% sorc, Java or Hammerdin.

Right now about 90% started sorc at ladder. You obviously want it to be 100%

Can we just delete all other classes then?

You did not get it.

Player 8 is already in the game, the command only makes it more fair because of availability.

Right now it is pay-to-win with “fillers”!

Almost forgot, guess what? Sorc, Hammerdin, and Java are also ALREADY still dominating and will be.

Don’t sweat it. They will forever refuse to understand. You can say anything, they will come up whit new arguements. Not good ones, but they will try never the less.


Still zero logical counter argument.

Refute our points, if you can.

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Asocial humans exploit it. Those cannot be avoided. Humans are like that, greedy and do not care about others.

The devs see it my way. So I could not care less what YOU think we do not get.

Remove teleport from game. Nerf Java, Hammerdin and Sorc damage and we can talk about p8 online

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I’m not going to go into a pointless arguement, where one will refuse to understand anything I say. I could have better results of argueing whit a brick wall.

You could just admit being wrong and having zero counter-arguments. It is okay.

Brick walls are the ones that have no logical counter-arguments and do not even debate, just say “change bad because change”. And D2R is suffering as obvious by sales figures.

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You wish buddy. You wish… I’m not biteing it the bait. Have fun. :laughing:

What bait? It’s a fact. You have nothing to say and nothing for me to fish or bait anyways. Hopefully we will get listened to one more time. Because we provide actual logical points.

P8 online is dead. Always will with the current D2 game design.

One would be stupid not to start ladder as sorc or hammerdin with p8.

Can you give me one reason why anyone would play as Necro???
Necros cannot clear any p8 content. Melee chars???

Zero thinking involved from your side.

You just ignored everything I wrote. Reading is hard I guess.

P8 already exists in the game, it’s called “fillers”. 99% of magic find games are already private. Sorc and hammerdins are already dominating and won’t change with this ladder.

Simple English, very few words.

If you want ant to abuse the game system too that is your call.

Once again totally ignoring what I wrote. It is already in the game and selective people already abuse it. So either make it available to everyone or address it. Clear?

I can’t convince you, because you have allready made up your mind. I wish for you, that devs will make a Ladder seson, whit /players# command available, and you’ll see and understand allready, what everyone is trying to tell you. Untill then i’m not going to even try to make you understand, because you just simpley will not.

  1. Sure - This would solve #2 and #3

  2. Stop hoarding trash gear. Majority of what you are filling up shared stash tabs with is garbage and only has value if sold to charsi

  3. See #2 but apply it to your 15 mule characters

  4. Feel free to play single player and enjoy the /players command there. Hard No for multiplayer.