Will Season 3 finally give S1+2 content to NON LADDER?

The ladder exists independently from non ladder, and anything offered by non ladder. It doesn’t, or rather shouldn’t, need the extra incentive of exclusive items. Likewise, non ladder is a non-competitive version of the game, and player acquiring new features on day 1 does not matter. With or without new features, non ladder is going to be a material saturated environment.

Ladder doesn’t need bait, it’s an inherently different experience from non-ladder.

I’m biased b/c I have similar RL constraints as Noobitron above, so I also don’t want to constantly start over, however if we had enough character slots I’d likely still make a few ladder characters each season.

Everyone says they like ladder b/c of the fresh economy and it increases replayability, and a few obviously like the race to 99. Not having ladder only items doesn’t take any of those advantages away. NL getting the content (whether it’s a season lag behind or not) doesn’t make the ladder experience any worse.

I don’t see it catering to lowest common denominator, we’re not asking for game mechanics or drop changes to help us get farther with our limited playtime, we’re just asking to be able to go at our own pace and still have it be possible for things to drop.

i don’t want to start the new season in d2:r BECAUSE of their changes lol, i don’t want TZ, i don’t want sunder, maybe if you want those things you should play ladder?

Ber value plummeting for ladder really hit you in the old fg wallet, eh?

who cares about FG tho… not me…

I’m fine with ladder exlusives but only for one season. Basically everything exclusive for S1 and S2 should be available in non-ladder when S3 starts. Even the devs said they would do that.


TBH I think TZ are okay but could be better (but they’re Online NL anyway) and I don’t want Sunder either, but being able to play with some of the new RW could be fun. Like I’ve said before, I’d play ladder if I had more character slots.

have you tired it?

I just played my first ever Ladder season and I was very pleasantly surprised.
Economy is way more lively. One amasses wealth way way faster. It is more interactive - lvling games, mf games are easy to get running full of players. I was able to acquire a ton of good stuff for my NL characters that was out of reach for me in NL.

The only problem is the character limit of 20; and that is a BIG one :confused:

the answer to this question will decide if im loading this game again.
zero interest in seasons and starting over.

Can this discussion cover single player/offline too please? I know we get the runewords from ladder in offline… but what about TERROR ZONES???

Ive been farming the same TC87 zones for 10 years… I wouldn’t mind some new (even if random) TC87+ zones to farm holy grail.

I disagree, I’ve always loved the ladder exclusive stuff like a reward for the time invested.
Or, another point a view, a goal, a reason to start a new char in season to get this exclusive content.
That’s exactly what I did for sunder charms. That what I did a long time ago to get “death” in an eth BA when it was brand new.

“Don’t be lazy” lol

Do you still live with your parents and sit in your room for 3 days without showering?

Jesus… not everyone that plays games is 15 years old kid.

Nope, full time job with wife, daughter and side business. I am far from lazy!


Wrong, Lost Ark, PoE, D2 mods that are even better than D2/D2R, (oh yes some have family and a life too)

we don’t have time to repeat the garbage ladder cycle.

If you wanna be a die hard blizzard fanboy go with ladder, BUT I WANT KEEP MY SLOW PROGRESS IN NON LADDER without restrictions.

I can live with beeing 1 Ladder behind, that you still have a reason to ladder…

I don’t particuarly like Diablo 3, but I think their concept of ladder is a bit more interesting. Having a theme that in some way changes the whole concept of the game is neat.

For example:
A season with NO runewords.
A season where superunique monsters are tripled, or have much better droprates, but are much harder.
A season where items have no attribute requirements, other than lvl.
A season where each class has 1 skill trab switched with another class.

YES! I don’t play ladder as I am too busy playing other games too and prefer just having fun with my current characters. It sucks that all these cool new items like the charms to reduce enemies resistance etc. we don’t get. I think it sucks they don’t let non ladder players get these items to begin with, but really hope with the next season we will.

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No mod in d2 had bigger population than online play on battle net. So no, no mod is better than original. They are different and fun to play sure. But if a mod would be better most people would prefer it eventualy.

Not to mention this has nothing to do with sentence you quoted.

? Its what keep people interested for decades dude.

How is being fanboy related to playing NL or ladder lol? It has nothing to do with it.

You are conflating 2 completely different metrics

Population size == better

Just that most people don’t know about mods or don’t know how to install them or are scared of virus

Yeah I hear you, I’m a brain surgeon so no time for kid games like this… just laughing at losers on forums.

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Terror Zones were added to offline in this week’s patch (2.6).

(edit: didn’t realize this thread was two weeks old.)