So best location for grand matron bow then since you seem to know a lot?
Would have to look it up, but basically, you run bosses for everything affected by MF and hords of normal monsters for everything else. You have to take a look at the TC of the item you want and choose an area thats high enough. Guess you could to nothing wrong with cows.
In singleplayer mode? Sure. Online and ladder, where you can trade? Nah. It’s ok.
Been doing hell cow non stop on java, king included, not much good far, 231 MF
If you’re looking for white items, MF won’t do you any good, on the contrary. If a Grand Matron Bow were to drop, high MF would make it more likely that it is magical and not white.
That will never happen to me, because I distinguish drops from the game and drop is not game for me, it is reward system at best. So if I get everything in a week I will still be playing until the actual game becomes boring for me. More drops only means more fun, trying more builds, classes, thinking how would be the best to combine these found items. It is all 100 times better than hoping to find at least one good item in a year and dealing only with crap items on daily basis.
It is not how it should be. I’m sure I will end up cheating in single player and uninstall never playing online in this, and cheating doesn’t feel right. I will have to cheat because game drops are not capable of giving to me good reward for playing.
Best example for me is Guild Wars 1, in terms of power you’re maxed out in a week, played the game for years anyway.
It is already fixed. Drop rates are far too high if you ask me.
Season is not even a week old and everyone is wearing shakos, people are trading engimas and tons of HRs.
I even had a Lo rune drop on the third day after release. And a mara. And a 39% gheeds. Didnt get any of them though.
Having played before the increase of the drop rates, the current game feels like easy mode. Even without finding some rare items, i still know that i will get them eventually with the current drop rates.
There isnt a single rune of value in a cube recipe.
All runes that are used in cube recipes are abundant as they could be.
It is good that there are multiple sinks for these items.
Because a stable economy needs sinks.
Trade 2 lem for a pul then. It used to be a very common trade ratio.
this what scares me for diablo 4. There’s gonna be complaints regardless. Look at this, it’s DIABLO 2 for pete’s sake and we have people complaining about one of the best ARPG’s of all time. So what that means for D4 is no matter what they do and how good it turns out if there is people complaining about this game then that game doesn’t stand a chance.
Its always been this way. people thinking their idea is the best there ever was. D3 suggestions began before the game even launched.
What do you guys see as an acceptable drop rate for HR then, 1 HR/hour/day/week?
Drop rates are fine. Some people are approaching this game all wrong and it’s causing you to go insane.
If you play the game in a way where you believe that your character is non-viable without Engima, CTA, and other hyper-specific, ultra rare, ultra high-end gear, then yes, you will pull your hair out. However, if your goal isn’t specific gear, but simply to be able to clear Hell difficulty more easily, then it doesn’t really matter if you never find a Jah and Ber rune.
Importantly, it makes you much more flexible with gear choice. Look around and use what you have on hand. For example, I need more hitpoints, but I’m probably never going to get a CTA, so what can I do? Well, I found Nature’s Peace Ring which lets me pop an Oak Sage and that boosts my hitpoints by 50%. Granted it’s situational where the oak sage won’t get immediately popped, but I still get lots of use out of it. It’s great in baal runs.
With Enigma, I don’t even really need to worry because I’m a paladin and can just use Charge skill to get around just fine. (if you haven’t tried it out in D2:R, give it a shot!)
Work toward need instead of working toward hyper specific, ultra-rare gear.
Agreed. People need to chill out and make do with what they have available. Good gear takes time.
Nah, I like the drop rates as they are. Essentially runes are endgame. Turning up the drop rates essentially turns t his into Diablo 3 where you’re pretty much given some of the best gear in the game every season.
The games have two separate end-games. While D3 makes it extremely easy to get max level and start to gear up, in Diablo 2 achieving max level is a long process. The same can be said with acquiring the best gear (mainly runewords). End game should be something that takes a while to fully achieve in my opinion. I mean farming countess isn’t difficult in the end. It just takes time. I equate MF runs or boss farming to farming Rifts and GRs in D3.
This is wrong approach. If you look at where people trade and if one dude out of million finds something you will see a post on trading forums and get wrong impression like everyone has it.
The right approach it to look at actual drop rates that is for a high level rune something like from 1:20000 to 1:200000. Which means that everyone has to do 200k runs on average to get that one specific rune. And here random kick in making it even worse, so you are not guaranteed to get something after those 200k runs, actually the probabiliy is somewhat 60% to get that on average in that period of time and for 99% chance it would a lot worse chances.
And 200k runs, how much is even that? If it takes lets say 5 mins for 1 run, then for 200k you need to spend 1kk mins = 17k hrs = 694 days. Yep more than 2 years of non stop playing without sleeping and eating and working or whatever else normal person would do. I wonder if even a bot can do that. This is insanely low drop rates, I would say unacceptably low.
Exactly. If the game is good then people will enjoy playing it no matter what. And here we have no indication of that this game is good, only the indication that this game attracts people who are weak towards gambling and that’s why I think they argue about these drops rates. I think normal person wouldn’t do that for sure, it is that they are addicted to this sort of thing, not the game but gambling, that’s why they want grinding their mind out for some miracle.
It is not the wrong approach.
I know first hand how the old drop rates feel.
The feeling back then was very playable.
The current feeling is far from that. It is almost as if you are being showered with items.
Things i have found so far already:
Lo rune (not picked), mara (not picked), 2 gheeds (1 picked), 4 ravenfrosts, 2 nagels (1x29%), soj, harlequins crown
This would have been the monthly, if not biyearly output of the old drop rates.
The drop rates are fine as they are. The market is already unstable enough. Rates are going lower and lower by the hour. If you increase droprates even more, it will deteriorate even further.
How can it be that everybody wants a shako? And seemingly is able to affort it with “just” an ist rune? That is ridiculous. A shako as (almost) the “best in slot” item should not be achievable by so many players within the first week of playing.
You are really complaining about something that you have no full perspective on, i am afraid. Drop rates used to be worse, it was still good that old way. Now they are far higher and it is already having significant effects on trading. Dont change it more.
Yes. They should be rare commodities. Not everyone can drive a lamborghini. Dont ask for a lamborghini on your first paycheck.
No. What makes bots profitable at all is the average person’s demand for in game progression, even if this requires RMT.
Drop rates aren’t the issue - people just want to progress without investing the time themselves. Hence bots. It has been this way since most of us were in high school. Some skipped afternoon class to manually craft in DAoC, and others went to class setting up macros to do that sort of monotonous clicking and waiting instead. Bots are an extension of the “I don’t have the time / inclination to farm AT 2000x hoping to get a good item”. Monotonous grinding is easily automated in games, just like the RL jobs of that same nature are being automated away.
Why not just, let us buy all GG uber items from akara?!
You guys realize that these crazy drop rates aren’t even close to the reality of how many runes you will get to drop. Myself and most of my friends have found 2-3 and a couple of friends even more. You should probably do the right research and farm the right areas. LK spam is definitely a bot farming spot and not worth your time especially with the super chests gone. I wouldn’t put a million hours into cows either. If you look at any players that actually played this game for the last 20 years instead of “I haven’t played this in 15 years, where the runes?” you will see that most of us are already close to fully geared in only a week. Do yourself a favor and instead of complaining about the game, learn how to play it properly and EFFICIENTLY to get the items that you need. Appreciate what we have instead of crying about it. I’ve played this game since 1999 and have waited over a decade for it to actually get some real attention and am enjoying myself more then you know. Please don’t try to turn this into D3.