Why is legacy mode so ugly?

The original game didn’t look nearly as ugly. I know this for a fact cause I also have it installed. Why did they destroy the graphics? Is there a way to fix that? (already tried zooming out).


you sure you’re not playing with glide? glide smoothens the graphics a bit. other than that it’s the same game, literally.


i bet itll look decent if you dust off the old CRT


It was proven with side by side comparisons in the beta, from multiple posters, that legacy in D2R looks far worse than the actual game if you loaded it up now. Those same comparisons are still on YT right now.


Legacy is 800x600. If you are viewing it at 1080p or whatever won’t it look “worse” / more pixelated? Try going to the smallest windowed mode and see how it looks.

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For me it looks just like I remember.
Plus, have you noticed you can also watch the legacy cutscenes? They remastered those old CGI beautifully. Of course the remade ones are far better, but I was cool rewatching the old ones in such a great quality as well.

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It’s true! I’ve just launched the original game and compared it to what I saw in D2R. I really don’t understand how and why they have downgraded the original look of the game. The only reason I find is that they try to make D2R less power-consuming this way. Yet it also sounds strange as this game is 20 years old, lol.


D2r’s version of the original game looks worse than OG d2 did on the same computer and monitor I am using now.

That was with no mods at all, so no glide or resolution improvements. It looked a bit stretched out but otherwise it looked fine.

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Yeah I thought the legacy mode on D2R looked a LOT worse than the actual D2 LOD. Considering I had just picked D2 back up last year I knew D2 didn’t look as bad as D2R legacy mode makes it look. Not sure if they did that just to make the new D2R graphics seem that much better possibly.

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why they have downgraded the original look of the game. Yet it also sounds strange as this game is 20 years old, lol.

It’s a mystery why a 20 year old game looks bad on modern hardware when it’s changed with modern features like borderless fulscreen and upscaled.

i don’t personally see a huge difference without a glide wrapper but some might idk if anything i do prefer the d2r one a bit more somehow https://ibb.co/JqwTSf8

i think the biggest difference comes from the lighting though and that’s based on the weather and time of day/night in the 2 games being different when i had them both opened.

Marketing strategy… the game looks way better than the toggle in D2R.

I am also curious as to what resolution he talkin.

When I played the o.g. back in the day it certainly wasn’t on as big a screen I play it at now. I think the first time I played it was still on a small CRT monitor.