Why is it impossible to get nice gear?

Or do what I do: play offline and use mods (legit offline).

Did it recently and it was a game changer. Not only to improve drop but many other things (eg. filters, larger storage, etc.).

The ā€œI have a job, family, bla bla blaā€ is such a lame excuse, D2 is a super casual game by default, you can play 15min, 2h or 8h if you want and you can stop at any time, thereā€™s no excuses here. You can take all the time in the world to do those 500 countess runs, no one told you to do them in a day or whatever. Also youā€™re a fool if you play with loot expectations, youā€™ll be disappointed 100% if you think like that.


If you play this game solo with any expectations for end game runes and items then you will be disappointed. Most normal builds can solo this game on p1 using only yellows/blues so really any good drop is strictly just icing on the cake.

If you include trading especially through d2jsp, traderie and/or discord groups, it is relatively easy to get all the bis gear you want. With d2jsp alone, you can get all the stuff you want by just selling pgems!

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Coming back to D2R as an adult after playing D2:LOD as a kid, one thing Iā€™ve found about my own game enjoyment is I much more prefer things to be gated behind difficulty than by pure RNG/rarity.

This is why Iā€™m starting to do my own single player mod trying to hybridize D2R with an action-adventure game approach - flatter power curve, greater challenge, and progression tied to overcoming challenges rather than largely RNG. (Iā€™m still using RNG elements, but with some significant changes.)

I missed it because you didnā€™t write it.

Also you complained about 500 countess runs.

Stupid much?

Take your pills grandpa.

Guess you have dementia and not much brain left. D2 released 2000.

I donā€™t complain about my playtime. 1 hour per day is enough for 99. I donā€™t need to buy gear, but how would you know, you clearly fail in life and at the game.

Ok boomer

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If you donā€™t want to grind this may not be the title for you. This game is based around the item hunt and the rng can be great or be brutal for long periods of item and rune droughts. The only things you can do to insolate yourself from potential rng is up your clear speeds and magic find so that you are doing more runs per hour than you were previously with more magic find.

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I think you missed somthing hereā€¦ You said you are 49, you must have typed wrong here. The 4 should have been a 1 right?
You also typed 1997. again you fat fingered. D2 is not from 1997 :slight_smile:
AND THIS game (D2R) is not from 1997 either FYI.
Or could it be you are just another noob/troll. who want it all handad on a silver platter.

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Totally understand what you guys are saying! Will start playing it more like WoW doing quests and enjoying the game more then hunting for loot!

The way he talk, doesnā€™t sound like a boomer, more like a really young zoomer.

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Yeah but you know that nowadays anybody can identify as anything. So if he wants to be treated like an elderly idiot, we should respect his wishes

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Well I donā€™t really have a ton to say regarding drop chances other than a couple quick points:

A) Iā€™ve been in need of an Um for a specific runeword for about 2 months now. Since I started farming for one, exactly zero have dropped. The month before actually needing one, I found 5 in about 3 weeks.

B) This game is casual, hardcore, ludicrous, and easy all at once. I respect you when you say youā€™ve been playing the game since its launch in the early 2000s. But saying I respect you, you must realize that asking for increased loot drops on the official forums was kind of like begging to be picked on.

The audience for this game, or what remains of it, is a combination of purists and people wanting to get it back to 1.08/1.09 stages. Iā€™m in the latter group.

Seriously though, TheSlayer. Donā€™t look or expect for certain drops. Good stuff only drops when youā€™re not looking for it, otherwise it takes an obscene amount of time to grind for.

My best drop ever was a BER, and I was already at the stage where I never expected to ever find one. Now that I have a BER, Iā€™m pretty confident the JAH will never drop because I want one.

This game isā€¦ psychic or something. When you want something really badly, you never get it, at least in my experience. I randomly got a pair of waterwalks and thought ā€œCool now I donā€™t ever need another pair to dropā€¦ā€ and within 3 days 2 more pairs dropped which I gave away.

Itā€™s also fond of giving you stuff you specifically donā€™t need, like tancredā€™s pick.

Also rofl on the anyone identifying as anything comment. I identify as a toaster.


Ok boomer.

Havenā€™t read so much nonsense in one post in a while.

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Then play offline and use some mods for drop or use hero editor to get stuff.

Game cant be balanced for casuals, it never was.


My friend, I am going to tell you my secret to getting what you want. You have to master the art of trading. To do this, you have to have a good sense of what items are worth during the cycle of the game. Know which items sell quickly. Use different platforms to trade. You can flip items that way easily. I always outgear my friends that spend more time playing the game to reach level 99 first, because I am always looking for that next deal.

I remember spending 3 days out of the first week not leveling up at all, but just trading and flipping items. I got my enigma, infinity and fully geared hammeridin by week 2. Sure I was level 75, but I was having a lot of fun with my build and most importantly I had the power to help others in our community.


Huh? I play casually and I think itā€™s fine. However unlike the vast majority who like to floor it for a month or less, I like having something to do over the span of a few months. I play other games too!


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Heres the thing, what do you consider ā€œniceā€ gear? You can get by with alot of budget stuff that you can farm the countess for. Ive been using an Unbending Will sword, and its gotten me by, tried a Death CB next, it was better, but now that I traded up to a Lo for Grief, game overā€¦

Farm Meph for a bit for basic uniques up to elite ones. Even Andy is good for nice gear.

When you really want to find something, like Tals Armor (pre TZ or even with TZ) Load up your MF, and go farm pindle for awhile with snacks. I decided to commit one day I had some time, just to find Tals Armor, took me 3 hours almost, but I found it, and plenty of other good stuff.

Finding runes is always rewarding, but the drop rates are brutal for a reason. You have to supplement trading to really make things work. I havnt found anything above a Vex in D2R and a long time in LODā€¦ Only reason I have a Lo and Ber right now is trading. collect items, and trade.

Yeah, sometimes you just gotta play casual, and when something amazing drops, its surreal. Its happened with SOJā€™s so far, just out of nowhere, same with a Mang Songs and other stuff.

But then, RNG is a b1tch, I havnt found an Occy, War Travs, even Gore Riders this ladderā€¦ Just wont drop for me, yet ive found 2 sojs, tals set, IK set, mang songs, ect.

  1. I would recommend playing non-ladder so that you have more time to gear a character. Thatā€™s what I do. I never had enigma or infinity etc before D2R, but have those and more now. A few hours per week is hundreds of hours per year.

  2. If you havenā€™t had any high runes drop in a lot of time played, are you farming hell? You need to be late game to be getting late game drops.

  3. As others said, donā€™t focus on specific drops. Remember itā€™s a game, and change it up when youā€™re not enjoying it. Jump on a different character and run a different place, or start a new one.

  4. If youā€™re playing online, trading makes things a lot easier to balance the RNG. Even just perfect gems, jewels, and low runes for crafting add up and will get you there. Trade collections of those up for what you want. Eventually youā€™ll get there.


Learn to like doing it on your own time. You donā€™t have to do that every day but like some time over the weekend and you have no plans on doing anything else. It takes time to get there but you will. Save stuff up from Ladder and Non-Ladder and it will come. You donā€™t need to rush into it. Especially when the old Ladder only content from the original game are available on NL now.


Itā€™s ok to get sick of a game. If youā€™ve played since release, then you know that great loot is very rare. If thatā€™s not for you anymore, thatā€™s ok. If youā€™re trying to suggest the game should change because after 20 years you decided you would like it better some other way, thatā€™s kind of silly.


Sure, it doesnt mean that casual cant enjoy the game. But as i said it cant be balanced for casuals. I mean as priority group. If you want to find certain items, you have to play more than casualy. Unless you are ok to find it in like two year window or something.