Why is BLizzard acting like Anheuser-Busch

the problem is not gonna go away

just give the player base a answer ( yes or no ) kinda super simple to do

may 4th 2023 season 4 starts or not? did the guy from d4 that announce have a job still? or did he get fired from false advertise?

Can the player base get some info!!!

blizzard not responding and giving us the cold shoulder like Anheuser-Busch did and look what happen to them

this was announce by a video from your staff

Diablo IV Developer Update Live Stream - April 2023

237K views Streamed 5 days ago

Dev team member or community manager give us answer

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Way to sprinkle a little transphobia into your post. Go away.

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where was the transphobia? and who cares about “transphobia” when there´s trans supremacy.


sometimes i have a reoccurring dream where im about to go down a giant slide, but then i see it has a cheese grater texture and then i wake up screaming.


You will not see actual game updates on the official forums. Look for random Twitter posts or 3rd party websites with viruses.

The only thing they have in common with Anheuser-Bush is the marketing team doesn’t seem to have any ‘senior’ staff. Blizzards Marketing team seems to believe only social media matters to get the message out. They don’t come here as the kids don’t even understand why there is still an official forum.


You go away. Nothing he said was about trans. This is you projecting again. Though the subject is controversial, the marketing business portion is relevant. I have no idea why Blizzard allows you to troll and be rude in every single post. No one cares about YOUR agenda.

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I don’t get the Anheuser-Busch comparison, how is it similar?

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I’m out of the loop here. Is ladder not releasing May 4th, and is it really as bad as the Anheuser-Busch thing?

They went silent after announcing staff moves and losing a bunch of market share. Atvi is down more than BUD today because the Microsoft deal did not pass in Europe. A lot of people feel ATVI is sinking and were relying on the Microsoft deal. I got the parallel even though it isn’t great. I assume the op is referencing how official word is silent after the d4 town hall mentioned d2s new season. My experience is that these forums will never get an official word which is trash.

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That makes more sense, I don’t care enough about stocks to catch a reference like that. Only beer news I see headlines about is people freaking out about colored cans.

Blizzards communication has gone from decent to abysmal. I don’t use Twitter or anything else for blizzard so I don’t see much news until it hits here.

Crazy enough but I just want to play their games and be informed, just wish that was in one place, like maybe on their site, old ideas but they worked.

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When has a D2 ladder season reset date never been announced on the official forums?

He did by proxy. He referenced the recent Bud Light “controversy” which was about a trans person doing a paid sponsorship thing for Bud Light. Why even bring that up when that has nothing to do with Diablo?

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The question is when. The announcement has been out for 5 days. It’s on every major website and nothing is in the official forums. The official forums are always last to know. You would think maybe the launcher would be used. Nope.

Literally no such thing.

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Prior to D2R, ladders where announced on the official D2 forums. Two weeks prior to the estimated announcement people would start getting antsy, requesting Blizz to hurry up and announce the date. Though I’ve never played a D2R ladder, I’m pretty sure they’ve announced the first three season on these forums, have they not? If Blizz is announcing on other sites and not the official forums, that is new behaviour.

You’re either delusional or a boldface liar. I’m starting to think both.

I don’t think you know what proxy means. Also, he did not mention “controversy” nor did he mention “Bud Light”. Again, you are projecting your thoughts and agenda in to a game of pixels that is meant for entertainment.

The guy is frustrated about hearing announcements second hand. He used a current topic to get the attention of the readers. This person never once took a side on trans issues, yet, you got triggered, easily.

Your labeling of people is not tolerant, yet you expect other to be tolerant. Quite honestly, I have seen your posts demean, denigrate and infuriate others while you hijack any thread you can project in to. Grow up.


They did announce it, even if it wasn’t in the way you prefer. Unless they’ve officially said somewhere else that that wasn’t the case, there’s no reason to think that their announcement wasn’t true just because they didn’t come here to make it.

Diablo 3 season 29 is also supposed to come out in May and they haven’t put it on the PTR or mentioned it much at all yet. I’m sure things are a bit rushed trying to get those things out before June when most of the Diablo team is focused on D4 (including the coms team, which I don’t think is very large).

edit: oh I guess they already announced it here as well

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Ladder reset date has finally made its way to the forums. :stuck_out_tongue: