Why doesn't put D2R on Steam?

Why doesn’t put D2R on Steam? There are many players on Steam who want to collect D2R. The playability and popularity of D2R are also far greater than those of D3 and D4. For this kind of one-time - payment game, even if it is put on Steam, it will not have any impact on the Battle.net platform. Games like Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 and EA’s Dead Space series have achieved very good sales.


I’d prefer GoG, instead. Get rid of that pesky DRM.


B-b-but think of the shareholders and all the money they’ll lose from piracy!!1! (even though this game sold like, 90% of the copies it’ll ever sell after the first year) What about the MAU metrics?!?

Jokes aside they won’t even put D2LoD on GoG let alone D2R, they even removed WC1 and 2 from it recently so… I agree with the sentiment though.

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The once a month server check constitutes DRM, and thus precludes the game being allowed on GoG.

That said, D4 hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park on Steam. While the Battle.net version is as straightforward as it gets in terms of setting up and using the game, the Steam version seems to throw a lot of players for a loop. If D2R ever gets on Steam, it will likely happen after the kinks have been worked out of D4/OW2.

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And a sentiment only, it is.
Methinks the MAU metrics exist only to feed the corporate bloat tho.

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  1. steam is expensive.
  2. blizzard wants to make bnet platform bigger so that when they sell the company, they can sell it for more profit
  3. steam/valve is also a competitor in the gaming platform space

The game is the same price on Steam as it is on Battle.net. Whenever Blizzard has a sale on the Battle.net side, the Steam version gets the same sale due to Valve’s rules about games being cheaper on one platform than the other. Valve requires that games on Steam get discounted if they’re discounted elsewhere, such as on Battle.net, GoG, the Epic Store, etc.

Microsoft owns Blizzard, so this is blatantly false.

They’re an extra outlet for a lot of AAA games that have their own platforms like Blizzard’s games do on Battle.net. Blizzard loses some of the revenue to Valve’s 30% cut, but Blizzard figures that the extra player base that is added is worth it (i.e., it’s a “it’s still more money so do it” kind of thing).


um. you do realize that blizzard must give up profit every time it is sold on steam right?

In addition, just because blizzard is a subsidiary of MS, it does not mean that they share a balance sheet. The CEO of blizzard has a duty to make profit and MS does want blizzard to have high value so when they decide to divest and sell it to a different company, they can profit from this.

Why would you ever want to get chump change for short term gain? The only exceptions would be 1) you want to fudge the financial statements so you could sell your company in the near future or 2) you have a reinvestment plan that would offset the loss from taking the short term gain.

I mean please, if you are going to say something, at least say something that makes sense. I know you want d2r to be on steam but your responses just dont make much sense. It sounds like random gibberish fueled by wishful thinking.

They still put D4 on Steam. And all the Call of Duty games. And Crash. Etc

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How do you determine if the D2R on Steam is a small profit? Do you know the global influence of D2? Do you think negative reviews like D4 can be compared to D2R?

this is steam’s commission.

  • 30% for revenue up to $10 million
  • 25% for revenue between $10 million and $50 million
  • 20% for revenue above $50 million

it would be quite convenient for steamdeck indeed. An easy way to sell a few extra copies, blizzard. Please do it.


Damn, they must have been desperate with Diablo 4.

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ditto. for a company with their own game platform to put their triple AAA title on other platform is desperation. just screaming out for help.