We are all in US region but it says my game doesn’t exist. The same thing happens when they make a game and I try to join. Says it does not exist when it clearly does. What is going on?
they made the great decision to split the us serves into east and west
Thanks blizz
They heard our pleas about the state of the servers and decided to make them worse.
Myself and my friend are in the exact same games in the same region but we are not in the same game? What the heck?
complaints about queues
Blizz: hold my beer
LOL so true!!! Gotta love the amazing work that has been done to a 20yr old game came back way improved lol
I am trying to trade with a guy and the same thing is happening. How am I superposed to trade like this?
Did blizzard just quietly make some change and not tell us?
Absolute clowns. game progressively gets worse and worse in terms of server state.
This is getting rather annoying with people not being to join each others games, from the friends list no doubt. Getting stuck on joining game and time outs, can’t join from across regions anymore it seems, from in game.
More than not this is prolly the things they were talking about in the sticky, and yet just caused more of a headache despite not having a queue anymore.
Yup, i cant even trade anyone. It took me an hour last night to finally be able trade with a single person. After multiple bnet restarts. Then the cooldown kicks in when it says the game doesnt exist.
All of this broke last night after the login issues were “resolved” https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1455696040116453377
Happened to me trying to trade this morning also. Definitely a pain.
cant even join a public game my friend made oO
They split ALL servers, not just US. There’s no east or west, there’s a “normal” server where everyone is (90% of all players) and there’s a second server (i call it a trash server). Sometimes (quite often) it throws you there. You may notice it by a very little amount of games in the list, you also can’t join your friends games and vice versa. Solution to go back to normal server is to reconnect.
This is simply annoying and it’s just the worst thing they could have done after queue.
I noticed my private trade game didn’t even display the password in the top right corner game information area, which also seemed like there was something really odd going on.
actually my game never shows me my password, meanwhile its fixed and i can join my friends game again, who knows what happend.
Check out the following thread in the tech support forum: