Why blizzard is a horrible corp

How to be a horrible company written by Blizzard.
step 1: ignore the people who pay money to them
step 2: suck at having good servers
step 3: be trash


They’re not ignoring anything lmao go watch Llama’s stream where he and the developers and community manager went over all the changes for the upcoming patch and answered questions asked by the viewers.

These ignorant, troll/tantrum posts are so cringy :man_facepalming: grow up. This isn’t how you get what you want.


huh yeah, some nice changes an all but did you watch the end where console was mentioned? they currently have no plans so it’ll be months – maybe on 2nd ladder – before we see any changes.

playing first ladder mostly solo because MP sucks will be fun… said no one ever


Why complicate a response.

Yes Griswald. Thank you.

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Makes a post just to whine, yet makes a user name called Diablo4. Yep, genius.


Yes I watched the whole thing, and follow Pez on twitter too. He’s said at least twice now that they ARE AWARE of the lobby state on console, and when they HAVE SOMETHING TO UPDATE ON they will. The whole last part of the stream before they ended, the dev’s said they see everything we say in forums, streams, youtube videos, comments etc, they just can’t make magic happen over night. They even told us to give them even MORE feedback, they want it, that doesn’t mean they’ll consider cringe harassing tantrum posts about why they should be fired or why Blizzard is such a crap company though. :man_facepalming:

The Lobby system is the most requested fix on console, they’re not going to ignore it :man_facepalming: The only thing I agree with is if Pez is so annoyed with people complaining to him about the lobbies, he should make an official post in here for everyone to see or on twitter instead of hiding his answer in a random reply on twitter for people to look for or as a message at the end of a video I bet half the community didn’t even watch ( which everyone who’s interested in D2 and the updates really should watch imo )

the bigger the company, the more their hands are tied.

ever since wow,blizzard went downhill in customer experience.

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Go play a different game then


hey fellas. IDGAF about your opinions. carry on

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Take your own advice lmao

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Then why should be care about your’s?


Griswald is a trash piece of crap nut hugger. I bet he has a dingle berry stuck in his tooth from all the hairy a** kissing he does hugging blizzards nuts.

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When someone swings as hard as they possibly can and hits nothing but air.


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Honestly looks like he got one of his kids to write that “insult” :joy: Better luck next time, eh? haha

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