Why. Are. Items. Disappearing. W - T - F

Seriously. They disappear every time I leave and enter a game. Another torch and anni gone after random stuff I pick up from playing. Haven’t played in a while because of this. Played for the first time today and first run, gone.

Wtf is going on. Why can’t anyone help? Customer service couldn’t help troubleshoot. I just want to play!

Online causes:
the most likely cause is the online character savefile size limit. The character save data includes character Attributes, inventory, Skills, Skill hot keys, control configuration, Waypoints activated, the character’s corpse (if one exists), the list of completed Quests, and the contents of the character’s Stash aka personal stash (1st stash page). The more stuff is kept in your personal stash the more likely it is that not all of it can be stored in the character savefile. Especialy crafted items are said to require a lot of space to save.

A workaround is to keep small items like amulets, rings, belts, jewels, gems, small+medium charms, runes and such in shared stash.

Another possible cause: theft by someone who guessed your Battle Net account password and keeps stealing your stuff. The solution to this is simple: make a stronger password.

Offline / Single Player cause: disk or filesystem corruption.
Check and fix or replace if needed.

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You are very incorrect about all of this.

Item vanishing is related to duping. Each item that drops gets assigned an unique ID ref. #, duped items share this with a real item. When the original person who found the actual real item logs on, while someone is online with the duped it, battlenet warden deletes the duped item(based on time stamp of which was earliest created).

Which is why real duper commonly use cube to dupe “UP” runes, because then it assign a new real and actual ID reference number as it is creating an entirely new item.

This was known in d2 original community. Why blizzard hasnt fixed duping yet when METHOD IS EXACT SAME, idk?

Unbelievable. This was the issue. I had so many crafted items in my personal stash.

Thank you. Thank you.

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