Where is the lvl 85 assassin on PTR?

Where is the assassin? Also i cant build a Plague Runeword on the claw in the PTR. just doesnt work. Fix?

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it seems they forgot to add…

Guys WHERE is the Assassin class? You did forget her in the last update, but not even giving us the hero to test?
I logged in today into PTR to test Assassin and there is no such hero lvl 85.
On the previous PTR I had one, which didn’t have a single waypoint/quest completed in Hell, so I had to do it manually.

This time there is no hero even! Please fix…

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No this is only a bug. Log completely out. Log in again.

I did it tons of times and no new runeword worked IE Mist Plauge and other. Assassin character was fixed at least.

All pre-made char are non-ladder. You may need to create a new ladder char and farm a cham rune to test Plague Assassin.

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exactly, the new runewords are ladder only

We tested all the new stuff before on a non ladder PTR. Why they would remove the runewords from the ‘‘end game’’ characters to test? Makes no sense for me, unless they forgot.

Yes, I relogged and have an Assassin now.
But create a new char and casually farm a Cham rune on it? You must be kidding me, right??
No runewords can be tested currently.