Whats with the new accounts necroing old topics todays?

did the d4 keys give these people access to this forum too?

Its OP alts trying to bring their thread back to relevance.

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well the first thread that one guy necroed was mine, and he bumped after over a year it saying he disagreed… so…
i dont think so…

No, it does not give them access. There are a bunch of accounts with D3 and/or D2R licenses who have posting access who are just spamming or concern trolling on both forums. Not sure if just bored people, hacked accounts being used by a group, or some organized group who purchased accounts just to spam/troll.

No idea, but it did not come from the D4 Beta license.


Whats with the new accounts necroing old topics?

I have a much easier explanation.
Typically the forum rules throughout the years have always included something along the lines of:

“if you already see a thread with a similar or identical topic to yours, try and join rather than creating a new one”.

The forum interface even has this thing “your thread is similar to” and shows you a bunch of already existing threads.

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Well, if they make a new thread they get bombarded with crap like “did you even use the search function? There are already numerous threads on the topic, so why not post in one of those?”

Then, if they post on an existing topic it’s “necro posting.”

It’s actually not an important issue at all. Just something for people to whine about one way or the other.

Topics should auto-lock after 90 days or something anyway or maybe after a season. The info is still there to read, but any additions will be added to obsolete information after that much time and a new topic should be created, anyway.