Whats the Ideal MF amount?

So my sorc has 540 MF with my charms.What is really the cutoff point for MF before it becomes not much different in drops. I could get mine down to 300 and my sorc would be stronger

All about clear time my friend. 250-300 is a good spot to me imo with good mf and good clear damage. If you are at 540mf and killing things takes 3xlonger its not worth it.

If only there was some type of chart of this exact information available online with a quick internet search… oh well, I guess we’ll never know…

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take it with a grain of salt as that is for d2lod and d2r has been known to calculate other stats slightly differently so it’s hard to know for sure it’s the same but in general it should give you an idea.


I usually go with between 200-250, I’ve tried 350-400 as well but didn’t see much point/difference, and it started to affect kill speed/survivability. I think 200-300 is the sweet spot

k thx

20 chars … …

Ideal? Preferably 0 cos all my leet gg gears mean nothing anymore. Reality? Gimped char with over 9000 mf. MF always made me feel like I have an armani suit that just rots in the closet while I put on trash clothes to plow the field or something

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200-250 is what I prefer

Depends on what you want. For uniques it drops off steep after 200%. MF only means a lot past 200-300 for blue drops.

wowhead com/guides/diablo-2-magic-find-locations-class-builds-gear#diminishing-returns

If you’re the type to min/max, the perfect MF % is 350… anything above that and you’ll start to notice huge Unique drop diminishing returns and more blues will show up than Uniques…

If you want to increase your odds at specific boss drops then 300% is where you want it as it could potentially shave off a few hundred runs when comparing 250% to 300%.

If you want to maximize your potential for killing trash and trying your luck that way, around 200 - 250% is where you wanna be.

Personally I found rarer drops off of trash when I had around 220% MF. When I increased it to 300% I found less sets/uniques off of trash / champs and rarer stuff from bosses…

Again, random game is random though, but yeah 300% seems to be the sweet spot so long as it doesn’t effect your kill speed.

Right now I’m running a lightning sorc without Infinity and I’m doing alright.

I get MF from my 31% Gheeds, 33% war travs (junk) P. topaz Shako and P. topaz Tal’s Plate, I run 1 x soj, 1 x raven frost, a.mesh, hoto, Spirit shield and a 29% mara’s… I have half my inventory full of MF charms to offset not having a perfect Gheeds / War Travs and I have about 302% MF.

My speed is fast, if I had Infinity it would be insane.

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