What's the deal with the /players 8 command?

This is supposed to be for single player.

To go to single player do the following:

  1. Log into BnET (Wait in QUEUE)
  2. Once in under your character Instead of Lobby, you click PLAY and choose your difficulty
  3. You are now in Single player
  4. Now you press enter to open chat and type /players 8 (Typing just players 8 into chat, just puts into chat “Players 8”

So now that the 4 steps above have been done, here is the situation:

  1. Usually in games, some type of verification denoting the change has occurred, but there isn’t any verification. So there is absolutely no possible way anyone would know what the game has been set to.

  2. I haven’t seen any difference in anything, difficulty, drops, nothing. Since nothing has changed then I chalked it up to not working.

So what’s the deal?

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/players command is for offline only. Will not work on your solo battle.net games.

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Offline only. No plans to implement in the online setting.

First of all thanks for the information…but this leads me to 2 points

1: (This is one that really pisses me off) Game designers bother never mentioning half the crap they put into games so the player is missing out on what they bought.
For example
Where is information about this the command? There is no mention of it anywhere, so how TF do players even know this exists? Something like this should be mentioned somewhere on a tip/tooltip screen in this game and it’s not. it’s idiotic to put a feature in a game, then hide it and never tell anyone it’s there.

2: (This is rhetorical) Instead of saying single player, why can’t the people talking about this command just use the word OFFLINE instead of Single player, so there is no confusion.

Forum Moderator Note: Leave off the insults.

Would love it if we can atleast go to P3 in online mode, won’t be a P8 but atleast it’ll be better than P1 surprised they didn’t let us have that


it only works in offline mode. it doesn’t work when actually connected to bnet

It’s an ancient game that got a new coat of paint and barely works. Your expectations are way too high.

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The first question, mostly are covered by arreat summit and wikis from d2.

About the second one. Online play isn’t single player, you can have a solo instanced game but that game would be a multiplayer game, because anybody with password would be able to enter if they meet the criteria. They opted to divide offline and online to avoid confusions. Because the original game had “single player” button which were located on the first menu, another button were multiplayer.

The command always worked on the single player portion, which always were offline play.

The game had:
Single play
Lan play
bnet play
Other bnet play(using offline characters)

Right now they have:
Online play(multiplayer)
Offline play(singleplayer)

The word can be confusing, but online play will never be singleplayer. Because anybody with the room data or in your friendlist could enter in your game.

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Wow, you got /players x command on pc?
Greets from a console player.

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2 points to correct you on
Dist point:
Single player means you are playing by yourself. Online of off has no factor and does not define SOLO.

Second point is if you read what I said I explicitly stated in the 4 steps NOT THE LOBBY and to just click play…no one can enter your game because you aren’t in the lobby for people to see the game to join.

Which is in the first thing I outlined in this topic. That command isn’t even mentioned anywhere from the developer like it should be. So there is no real way for anyone not reading chat to know that. So far the only way it’s been known is by some players mentioning it in chat which leads me to my original question, since it isn’t mentioned anywhere, so how do the people mentioning it, know about it? This is not something that was made pubic nor is it mentioned in any tooltip or in game on screen pop-up hints.

Actually it does, because you’re not playing single player. You’re in a multiplayer room game which isn’t locked doing some content, which can be done by you or more than one.

Single player online is not a thing, unless nobody could enter in the game. Which on d2r aren’t a thing, either you agree or not.

Singleplayer is about play the game without any additional player capability. Like the offline mode.

“denoting or relating to a video game designed to be played by one person at a time.”

If you play online and has the possibility of someone join you, is not single player doesn’t matter what you try to convice yourself what you’re doing. You were trying to play solo a multiplayer game not playing single player mode, doesn’t mean you actually done either the solo part or single player part.

That’s why on D2 and D2 LoD battlenet was on multiplayer section, not single player section. Also on d2r there is “online” or “offline” and the button is play not single play.

The only way to you to say “singleplayer” is by not enabling anybody to join that particular game. Which online play in d2r’s case is Impossible to achieve, even if you try to difficult the access to the said game, someone would be able to enter on it by typing the room name, password and fit the filter criteria.

So, yeah. The only single player mode is the offline mode. Either you like or not or try to convince yourself.

Still, for that they would need for them to keep your session active and know that you would return to the game. Which would cause both, missmatches on the server keeping your connection alive more time than they should. But also would need to create a dynamic whitelist/priority list that would negatively impact on others queue, but also in yours future one.

In a game which games are created and destroyed in a matter of seconds keeping 3 minutes of priority should be equivalent to about 10 games per player in that said list, spending resources which they don’t have. For a bad logic code design.

“When the proposed solution is worst than the current state, shouldn’t be considered. Otherwise would generate even more problems”.

You don’t handle problems with half implemented solutions. You go to the root cause, split it in parts and solve each part. The paliative and mitigation are already in place, those methodologies are to buy time, not a end solution.

So your “solutions” aren’t solutions. Are paliatives and mitigations, which they already done some.

Online play weren’t designed to be played alone, also if you hit the play button you are doing the same thing you would do through lobby, the only difference is that you didn’t manually typed the room name, password or set much room perks. If you press tab you could see the “room name and the password” which you can rejoin if you want. But often is really hard to actually to reenter because the name pattern. While on Offline mode you wouldn’t be able to see that, because there’s no room name.

It’s a single player command that they want implemented into the multiplayer game just so they can get an 8 player game without 7 others to “leech” off of them.
Or simply put, they want all the rewards that come with joining a 8 player game without joining an 8 player game.
Makes you wonder who really are the real leeches.

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Yuu people are unbelievable. You cannot even accept what a word means without complicating it.

Single payer means nothing more than solo play…If you’re by yourself off or online then it’s single player.

any activity that is performed alone without assistance

a musical composition for one voice or instrument (with or without accompaniment)

a flight in which the aircraft pilot is unaccompanied

composed or performed by a single voice or instrument
“a passage for solo clarinet”

fly alone, without a co-pilot or passengers

perform a piece written for a single instrument

alone, solo, unaccompaniedadverb
without anybody else or anything else

So I create a public game and I’m all by myself, is it a solo game or multiplayer?

All online games in D2 are multiplayer now matter how many players are in the game.

Isn’t the semantics game fun, even though you cannot accept what the word means.

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You hitting “Play” while in BNET does not make it single player. It just creates a passworded BNET game.

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They should implement it online, it’s one of the most common request by the vast majority. Hopefully in the upcoming patches.


ohh I’ve done it but nothing happen so offline only. thx
c’mon, so we have to join any random open games, and the players let you play level8 alone when you are just level 80+ not 90+

Sadly it is offline only. Maybe one day we will get a way to increase difficulty in d2


Want more difficulty, higher drops, either join a game with more people or play SP

The onlinee game was never intended to be played as a solo game … you can have nore difficulty by playing with other … stop botting and being anti-social.

The scale is for SP because you cannot join other s in SP… especially now that the liars removed tcp/ip.

Well, no, that’s what we wanted, but instead, we got this.