Actually it does, because you’re not playing single player. You’re in a multiplayer room game which isn’t locked doing some content, which can be done by you or more than one.
Single player online is not a thing, unless nobody could enter in the game. Which on d2r aren’t a thing, either you agree or not.
Singleplayer is about play the game without any additional player capability. Like the offline mode.
“denoting or relating to a video game designed to be played by one person at a time.”
If you play online and has the possibility of someone join you, is not single player doesn’t matter what you try to convice yourself what you’re doing. You were trying to play solo a multiplayer game not playing single player mode, doesn’t mean you actually done either the solo part or single player part.
That’s why on D2 and D2 LoD battlenet was on multiplayer section, not single player section. Also on d2r there is “online” or “offline” and the button is play not single play.
The only way to you to say “singleplayer” is by not enabling anybody to join that particular game. Which online play in d2r’s case is Impossible to achieve, even if you try to difficult the access to the said game, someone would be able to enter on it by typing the room name, password and fit the filter criteria.
So, yeah. The only single player mode is the offline mode. Either you like or not or try to convince yourself.
Still, for that they would need for them to keep your session active and know that you would return to the game. Which would cause both, missmatches on the server keeping your connection alive more time than they should. But also would need to create a dynamic whitelist/priority list that would negatively impact on others queue, but also in yours future one.
In a game which games are created and destroyed in a matter of seconds keeping 3 minutes of priority should be equivalent to about 10 games per player in that said list, spending resources which they don’t have. For a bad logic code design.
“When the proposed solution is worst than the current state, shouldn’t be considered. Otherwise would generate even more problems”.
You don’t handle problems with half implemented solutions. You go to the root cause, split it in parts and solve each part. The paliative and mitigation are already in place, those methodologies are to buy time, not a end solution.
So your “solutions” aren’t solutions. Are paliatives and mitigations, which they already done some.
Online play weren’t designed to be played alone, also if you hit the play button you are doing the same thing you would do through lobby, the only difference is that you didn’t manually typed the room name, password or set much room perks. If you press tab you could see the “room name and the password” which you can rejoin if you want. But often is really hard to actually to reenter because the name pattern. While on Offline mode you wouldn’t be able to see that, because there’s no room name.