What's the best armor to use 'Enigma' for a sorceress?

Or a necromancer/ele druid… I mean something versatile. Back when I played decades ago, Superior Mage Plates were the choice… I picked up a ‘Superior Wyrmhide’ with +8% ED and it has more than twice the defense of a plain white Mage Plate in my inventory… Has the armor of choice changed…? Does it matter…? What’s the best one to use for a spell-caster (versatile)? I mean since we use minimum 165 str. req to use ‘Spirit’ in Monarch shields… I am kind of confused if the reasoning for Mage Plate was the strength requirement… Help me someone :3

Breast plate. Or really any light armor. You just don’t want the movement penalty from wearing heavier armor. Also, defense is an absolutely meaningless stat in this game (unless you want to be in walk mode every time you’re in a fight – But even then it is negligible).

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For sorcs I use breast plate. For every other class/build I use mage plate non-superior 261 defense.

You guys are trolling… right? Lmao


No in fact Maxroll did an in-depth write-up on it if you want to do some research yourself. It’s kind of silly, I know, but it’s true. The reason archon plates are so popular generally is just because people don’t know this or it’s just too hard to believe. I mean it doesn’t hurt you to get an archon plate. It’s just wasteful to trade for one. That’s also probably why this isn’t more wide known – when archons with sockets drop or disk shrouds, there’s a huge market willing to buy them up for a lot. Why wreck a good thing?

But who would even trade for an Enigma breast plate? XDDD anywhere I can see this info? I literally can’t tell if you guys are trolling

When I create Enigmas, I never trade them. I pretty much never trade any runewords that I make because they’re end-game final build.

If you’re creating Enigma to trade, then that’s not the question you asked. You asked Enigma for Sorc.

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Well that’s another issue. Since this isn’t well known, It’s hard to trade a breast plate. So there’s that yes. But there’s nothing, mechanically, in the game that makes using one any worse than an archon. But you do gain vitality points.

That said, it seems the archon plate and dusk shroud are the most tradable because of the strength they save (Which can then be put into vitality of course).

I would use a mage plate or dusk shroud for nigma.

Probably mage plate since it looks nicer on the character model.

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U_U I’m going to cry if I put enigma into a breast plate later. Also… I was wondering… Infinity weapon for a2 merc versus budget insight weapon? Is it really worth it to build infinity when you are running cold build and like… I don’t think it’s make that much of a change at that point

Then don’t.

No. Use insight/Reaper’s

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For cold, no absolutely not worth it. You already have cold mastery lowering non immune resistance and infinity doesnt break many cold immunes.

Infinity is for light sorcs, and somewhat fire.

I don’t think there’s much point to using an infinity on a cold build. That’s really the open door to a lightning spec which is a more efficient farmer than cold.

Make it in a Light Armor and aim for 82 Str or lower.
Above is still an option, but high level would profit less from the enigma strength helping to carry a Spirit.
Personally I think a Duskshroud is decently low strength and high armor combination, but Breastplates are not uncommon.

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You guys are mentioning the movement speed will be different? But does that matter when you’re teleporting around on a Sorc anyways? I feel like a noob. Minds been blown

It does not matter much while teleporting no. That’s just on your fcr.
It does make a difference in town and while you are fighting though (unless you tele a lot mid combat I suppose, but I don’t really bother)

Okay. One last question… is Spirit monarch the way to go 100%? Or… is there a better thing out there?

If what you want is +skills, fcr, and resist (and most likely it is in fact what you want) then yes.

There are other alternatives. Stormshield is a nice defensive pick.

As a bonemancer, I made mine in a superior mage plate. Very happy with it.

It doesn’t matter a whole lot but you’re probably going to have to move at some point – And when you will needing to move is when you will be needing to move fast. Aka, all your mana gets sapped. I mean this is really a min/max issue. Either way you go is not going to have a whole lot of difference on gameplay.

I mean I like breastplate because I can use it and not worry about a strength requirement for any character if I want to make a meme build or something. Dusk shroud will probably be just fine, but again the defense doesn’t matter. Plus it will be easier to trade. If I ever made a second enigma I would use a dusk shroud for this reason.