What would make you not skip normal mobs?


This post is not a “please change XY” post, I am just simply curious.

There are a lot of discussions about Teleport and “skipping content”. My question is:

What would make you not skip normal mobs?

I personally like watching when my Sorc/Java/FEDudu absolutely destroys group of weak monsters. Not because I want to see useful loot (tho, I found an Ist because of this…yes, for me an Ist is “something”), but for a fun factor. However, it feels like many players are not interested in this kind of experience and they just want to get to Baal/Meph/… as fast as possible.

So, without asking Blizzard to change something, what would make you to kill normal mobs? Should they be stronger to give you a challenge? Should they drop less crap and more GG loot? Should there be just more of them?

Top unspoken answer: Banning D2jsp


If they banned dsjsp would you stop going directly to a certain boss or elite group and immediately start walking around and killing normal mobs? This does not make sense to me. :slight_smile:


Lol agree
I think he just replied a baked answer haha

But honestly

I thought about this a lot because I always found the state of the game where is “ignore everything, kill bosses and uniques only”

And weirdly, the solution to this came up without even trying to fix it but trying to fix another issue

If you make the endgame mechanic based on clearing the whole game, you incentivize people to kill all monsters, reducing the need to spam teleport too

If taking your time to kill every monsters on your path makes the next ones grant you more xp and loot… I guarantee you that people will kill them all


Ps: if you like this suggestion, please reply to the original post to keep it going, theres nothing sadder than a liked post that dies because the crappy forum system only bumps on replies

New difficulty, where all mobs have the highest TC and give reasonable XP.

If I read it correctly, this example means you need to kill Baal first. And he is not the only farming target. I personally do significantly more lvl85 area clears than Baal runs.

I personally would love to see higher monster density and somewhat smarter mobs, but alone if there was - lets say - twice as many mobs that would be a good start. But again, I like to just walk around and kill stuff without thinking. Its a way to clear my mind between farming runs. :slight_smile:

yes and no

you need to complete hell baal quest to unlock the mechanic, otherwise it becomes a pain in the butt for people going through the acts

once you completed your baal quest, all the next games you create will have this mechanic enabled, no need to kill baal anymore

would be pretty hard to increase density on the go

but increasing monsters life/xp/noloot/damage has about the same results globally

2x 1000hp mobs Vs 1x 2000hp mob

“2x 1000hp mobs Vs 1x 2000hp mob”

This is mathematically correct, but practically two very different cases. For 1000 hp you might one shot both mobs at the same time before they can do something with you, whereas you might only deal 50-51% damage to the 2000 hp mobs that can cast a curse or do a killing blow on you before you can damage him again.

The rest is fine, thanks for the clarification! Generally speaking it seems like that characters are too powerful for P1 Hell and that is why killing normal mobs seems boring to many players, plus they dont really give you reasonably good loot. But this is just my guess, this is why I am asking. :slight_smile:


which is also intended

if you increase density, you just dig single target builds even deeper

if you concentrate monsters into single points, it doesnt increase the gap between aoe and single target builds but rather closes it a bit since single target which are mostly melee, wont have to walk as much between each targets

thats especially why i would love this endgame as a normal monster buff… it doesnt grants MF but rather tackles Noloot. Bosses dont benefit from no loot, which means they dont become abusable through this mechanic, again it closes the gap between mobs and bosses

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Maybe adding in the mechanic from D3/D:I - the “massacre” thingee. It keeps count of monsters killed in a short time, awarding an XP bonus that grows dramatically with the more monsters you kill.

I don’t care for much of anything from D3, but that part is pretty good, and seems to me would definitely provide an incentive to kill more and more often. Just a thought…

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it could indeed incentivize more trashmob killing

but the problem i see with this is that once again it punishes slower builds and non-aoe build, which already got the shorter straw

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It does not, because until you are actively in a fight, the timer is still active (in other words every single hit/hit attempt resets the timer and you can continue killing). I like this idea, btw!

Oh its resetting based on inactivity rather than killing spree

Sorry didn’t know, sound counter intuitive to call something “massacre” and not being killbased haha

Yeah that could do the trick

Please define what normal mob is.

I guess you mean regular white mob amd not difficulty right?

I dont know how to answer tho, i skip white mobs only when i do MF runs on p1.

What would convince me to kill them? Same chances for loot as from elite but its nonsense from balance perspective.

By normal mobs I meant non-elite, non-champion, non-boss mobs (but actually even these, when someone mindleslly teleports to for example Baal, instead of walking through and kill mobs on the way). Regardless of difficulty, but obviously on a difficulty good for your actual character (so for a lvl 5 Sorc I was not talking about mobs on Hell).

And if you say “i skip white mobs” that is why I am asking “why?” and “how to make you not skip”.

Funny you ask this like it’s not something commun or well known


It’s the very nomenclature of the game haha

But again, it’s pretty easy to fix and can be done in a balanced way that improves the game and extends its life

Thanks for clarification. Its hard to give consistent answer as it changes based on where and how i play.

First of all i would like to say that there is nothing wrong with skiping content. I like it that way, the way where you pick what is best for you and someone else can play differently. I hate the everywhere everything can drop from anyone system diablo 3 has. There is few exceptions but yeah…

Ok, so when i play offline, i like to clear whole normal difficulty usualy because its fun to clear and open everything. I sometimes do it on NM too. Why i dont do it on hell? Usualy because hell is hard and clearing everything or white mobs would be too time consuming. When i play online i cant simply afford it as playing on ladder is about how effective you play. You waste less time, find more better stuff , you sell it well before price go down. Ladder is race and effectivity is key.

When i do MF runs on p1, I kill mostly just elites because they give better loot and xp. But they should as they are harder to kill. If you would give same as good loot to normal mobs, people would avoid elites because what the point to waste time with challenging elite when normal mob drops the same.

If you play in more players game, its desirable to kill normal mobs obviously as they have lesser no drop chance and its good for runes and other stuff. White mobs are also good for armor/weapon bases.

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On my way to the Pits, if I see a fallen camp, heck yeah I’ll go there and slaughter them… Running a nova sorc, they’re all dead almost instantly… I’ve found a few decent drops doing so. Sure each individual fallen may have an abysmal chance of dropping something good, but as a group, it is of course improved. I will also stop and kill any unique pack that I find on the way.

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