What Paladin Skills use Faster Cast Rate

Hello. What Paladin Skills use Faster Cast Rate?

Holy Shield?
Holy Bolt?
Blessed Hammer?
Fist of the Heavens?


Thanks in advance!

Holy Bolt, Blessed Hammer and Fist of the Heavens are pretty much the Paladins casting skills. Every other Combat skill relies on Weapon/Attack Speed and if Holy Shield relies on FCR, it’s pretty much irrelevant given you cast it just once to activate it and then worry about refreshing it every few minutes or when it expires. Paladin FCR breakpoints are easily achieved with Hoto + Magefists + Spider(aka Arachnid Mesh) = 80 FCR for 75 Breakpoint. If you want 125 breakpoint, slap on Pally Spirit and a 2/20 Pally amulet.

Arreat Summit can answer that question for you … all you gotta do is learn to read and comprehend.

google it

Thanks Oliasys. I looked at Arreat Summit, but I didn’t see anything about Faster Cast Rate, unfortunately. My comprehend skills are not the best, as you mentioned, and I don’t know how to read. But I’m working on it, thanks for the encouragement!



Faster Cast Rate causes spell based characters to attack faster

Paladin is not a spell based character, however they do cast some “spells”

Now, IIRC [it’s been a while] some “skills” that the Paladin has are consider “cast”.

Holy Bolt

Holy shield [I think, but only for casting, not for blocking]

Auras are not affected
FoH is timed & has a casting delay.
Holy fire/freeze/shock are pulsing bursts

The information is there, just not “charted”. You just need to read the skills and become familiar with what they do and how they do it.

Hence, the comprehension part.
Does that make it any clearer???

Again, it is all there … just have to read it and understand how it works.

I went and read it and the above information is what I derived from reading the skills. Yes, I had to read them to understand them to see which works. It did require a little effort. It was not handed to me …

Do you feel more encouragement now?

Now, if I stated something incorrect or am wrong somewhere, someone let me know … I haven’t played a paladin in years, ever since they became the bot-kings and require no active brain cells to play, lol. Tele-tele-shift-left click-pot-pot-pot-tp-town and replenish-rinse-repeat

FoH does get “some” benefit from FCR, though it’s fairly minimal.

AF Delay Total FCR
9 10 19
8 18 15
7 17 39
6 16 86

Pulled that off Maxroll, assuming those numbers are right, I know from in game FCR is noticable on FoH though. You’ll likely be 75 or 125 FCR for TP anyway, but if going the 75 FCR route ya might want to squeeze out 86(95 typically.)

Yeah, I thought FCR might help FoH a little but not a lot. Especially with it having a predetermined time delay already … affecting any casting after initial casting. Just wasn’t sure of all the nuances of it.

Yeah TBH I’d never played a FoH either and wasn’t sure myself until I’d played the build. It’s “fairly” small but hey 18.75% more DPS is still more DPS. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fist of heavens, holy bolt, holy shield all technically do. But realistically fhr really only matters blessed hammer and teleport. Unless you are doing an oskill casting paladin with conviction using something like firewall off of trangs set or hydra off the dragon scale shield. Everything else relies on attack speed.

I usually use the cast animations, and attack animations as indicators whether its Faster Attack Speed, or Faster Cast Rate. I assume its correct.

if the skill uses a weapon of any form (weapon, shield, boots), it uses ias. otherwise it uses fcr. the exception to this rule is trap skills. they are all ias despite not using the weapon to attack. if it’s not castable, then it simply depends.