What is the best bases for infinity

so no need to put griffon eye maybe? 1p?

Well one of the best things about Griffon’s Eye imo is the 25fcr allowing you to more easily reach the 200FCR breakpoint.
That said the -25% res is definitely better then the -15% that can be reached with facets in other helms.
Griffon will remain the best helm I guess, but if you manage the 105 FCR it would be a lot less needed.
In fact a 20fcr/3 lightning skills diadem with 2 facets would be slightly more damage (just slightly though).

The +% lightning damage can be negated, it is additive with lightning mastery, not multiplicitive so not very impact on a sorceress.

In 1 player with an infinity on merc or sorc a Griffon Eye is not needed, I build one and eventually managed to get an infinity, breezed through 1 player (basic hell stuff not ubers).
Griffon just makes you even more powerfull, but for P1 not needed at all.

You haven’t stated what build this is for so hard to answer. Is this for a spearazon for example?

It depends on where you are farming. For Chaos sanctuary or anywhere that has breakable lightning immunes, self infinity is good. For places like arcane sanctuary or cows, crescent moon might be better.

The combination of Infinity + Insight is 99,99% always better on a Nova ES sorc. If you don’t play Nova ES, you already run a weird Nova build and we don’t need to discuss it further. You might not always profit “more” from the -lr on infinity, but you will always profit from the mana reg and the instant usage of conviction where you need it.

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You do get more mana regen for sure with self infi but it’s a trade off for more DPS vs safety.

You also can’t get 200 fcr with a self infi setup so on top of not having the highest DPS you also have to accept you’re not going to teleport as fast.

It depends on what you want out of your build and what your goals are.

That said, self infi is a relatively budget build too, so it also has that.

This post goes into the debate in more detail:
Infinity base question! - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (blizzard.com)

But the sum up is this:

Mancatcher has the best speed for almost all IAS breakpoints. Stygian Pike/Giant Poleaxe has the best dps for almost all IAS breakpoints (but Stygian Pike has a lower strength requirement). The spot in between balancing speed and dps goes to the Giant Thresher or Thresher.

Mancatcher is the fastest base, while Giant Poleaxe or Stygian Pike has the most damage per a second. If you care more about applying Crushing Blow or constant Life Leech the Mancatcher is probably better, if care more about damage per a sec Stygian Pike is best, (slightly better than the Giant Poleaxe because it has a lower strength requirement).

However, all the bases with the exception of the War Pike (far too slow) and Colossal Voulge (low damage and slow) are close enough that it probably doesn’t matter to most players who aren’t trying to optimize an extra hundred damage per a second.

Honestly, I still dont have any idea, what I’m using this infinity for, lol
Maybe I’ll be using in on my a2 merc with my bliz sorc maybe

Neither with crescent moon.
25 35 20 20 20 10 10

Also without the extra Defense from insight and the bigger mana/health pool, you have to play more careful, which effectively negates the fcr bp.

It always depends on your goals but infy is always better than cm on nova/es

are sorc with hand held infinity better? saw lot of them lately

inifnity open few build, javazon, better CE necromancer, fire element are some monster still immune
while enigma open more new gameplay, since all char its better with teleport
my self ,first build enigma then infinity

Crescent gives you -35lr, spirit gives you +2skill, fcr, life, mana. This combo is superior to a single infinity.

If you have an ES sorc, you anyway put any extra points into mana after getting the strength you need. You will quite easily have a 3300+ mana pool. You do not need insight because your regen will be sky high with that much mana. Using insight with that is simply overkill and not needed. You do more damage with spirit+crescent.

200fcr is also just a novelty… it’s fun, sure, but the amount of damage you need to drop in favor of fcr gives you an overall similar damage output, but you have lost a lot of mana as well doing so (2x soj).

If you don’t believe me, go do different setups on maxroll gg and see for yourself.

You lose life/mana because of the high str requirement. Infinity gives you more -lr and you always have conviction where you need it. The fcr doesn’t get you a new bp. So only win are the +2, while losing the other stats.

But now you can freely choose any merc that benefits you the most. Insight a2 or plague a5. And if your merc dies, you still have conviction.

Cm is great on a Lightning sorc but just second on nova

Range adder doesn’t apply to mercs, A2 mercs are fixed at range 2 and A5 mercs at range 0.

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Just rolled my infinity on thresher
Got 259 / -55

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Not crescent moon specifically but non-self infi nova sorcs in general. You can reach 200% FCR with eschuter’s or obsession. Or just stick to having 8 frame cast with greater +skills than what self infi can ever get. Which leads me onto to:

Self infi nova sorcs are going to take a long time against act bosses and to a lesser extent tanky non-lightning immunes in general. Self infi allows you to more easily sleep walk through your runs but it is slower.

That’s the safety vs DPS trade-off I’m talking about.

Another plus for self infi though is you get +FRW from it which is handy while moving about town.

Lidless is another option. The mana you get from spirit is pretty much offset against the strength requirement from spirit, except you also get +5 mana after each kill and a socket option for a facet with lidless.

Oh wow, never knew that! That’s kind of dumb :confused:

Nova sorcs in general aren’t fast boss killers. I’d recommend a lightning sorc or Java for it.

Wasn’t point of the discussion. It is about cm vs infy.

Yes it is. The discussion is around choosing the correct infinity base based on the type of nova sorc you’re making.

Actually the op wanted to know which base for infy overall and not only for nova. Prog started the sub discussion cm vs infy. Now you are trying to undermine the statements with 200 fcr which can’t be achieved with either.

Exactly. It’s a moot discussion to be fair, but still an important one if the specific use case the OP is after is for making it for a nova sorc.

It is a factor that would lead towards deciding whether to make an infi for your merc or as a self-wield. Just trying to make this a balanced discussion so that the OP could make an informed decision. Excluding specific use cases doesn’t go towards being informative.

Using problems of the build only on a specific gear option isn’t informative too.

All nova sorcs are comparable slow on beefy single target mobs. You tried to tie it to the self infy only, while this allows you to equip your merc to be an even better tankkiller.

I like build discussions, because it allows new views and options to consider, but playing dirty to be „right“ is a waste of time.