What is the best armor for a dueling bowazon with faith and/or windforce bow?

Hello D2R community,

I am on a quest to build the best overall pvp bowazon. What is the best armor for a dueling bowazon with a perfect GMB Faith bow or a Windforce?

COH, Fortitude, Treachery, Enigma, etc? I would like anyone’s expert opinion on this matter. I wouldn’t mind if you include any other gear that is noteworthy to use when dueling as a bowazon. Thank you ahead of time with your support with this matter.


Your choices are really fortitude or a 160/60 armor with something like 100 HP.

Fortitude gives 300% ED and more life and you typically will get the IAS from something like a helm.

JSP has solid PvP guides and videos considering the bulk of the “hardcore” PvP community is gonna get their super expensive items from there: Diablo 2 Unified Strategy & Guides Sticky - Topic - d2jsp

Tele builds on Amazon typically use a javelin build and not a bow.