What I personally would pay $70.00 for

Dear Blizzard,

As a long time Diablo 2 fan I am firstly going say that Diablo 2 Resurrected is the best thing that you produced in a long time. I hear a lot of your more recent titles are performing less than what you may have expected and I understand that a larger company such as yourself requires a lucrative incentive to do practically anything.

Therefore, I would like to write to you today about what I personally pay $70.00 USD for (and a lot of other people I suspect).

-4 extra shared pages in the stash
-Allow Mercenaries wear full gear (Rings x2, Amulet, Belt, Gloves, and Boots)
-Allow 9 slots for Charms (and only Charms)
-Act 4 having unique mercenaries that are pre-built Druids, Assassins, and Necromancers. These Mercenaries will have 4 skills each focusing on a specific build of an archtype ie: Fire Trapsin, Lightning Trapsin, Martials kicker/talon, Maul Wearbear, Fury Wearwolf, Fire Druid, Wind Druid, Bone Necro, Poison Necro.
-Allow 2 mercenaries in single player mode
-1 Extra area in each act (no further quests)
-At least 1 Unique version of every base weapon. Currently there are some base weapons with no Unique mods such as Demon Heads, and Katars
-New rune words that help support underutilized skills such as Poison Dagger.
-Potential rework of certain skills like Poison Explosion, Poison Creeper, Jab (maybe some synergies).
-Create a cube recipe that allows a unique item to recieve a Elite Buff. For example; Bloodfist has +10-20% ED, +10 Defence, +10% IAS, +30% FHR, +40 Life, +5 Min Damage. If cubed with new recipe while upgraded to its Elite Base, it will receive: +8% life, +10% enhanced damage, and +15 life after each Demon Kill.
-QOL changes such as stackable Gems, and stackable Runes.

These suggestions aim to make the starting of the game feel more dynamic, and extend the end game a bit further. Also, some quality of life changes would make this game perfect.

I do have a more comprehensive list of things that would not only extend the life of Diablo 2 Resurrected, but also potentially incentivize your existing fan base to pay for future expansions. However, I will not burden you any further with my huge wall of text especially if you are not interested.

In my humble opinion, it is very possible to release a bi-yearly update and charge players to receive it. There are already modders that have made some interesting changes, and a lot of ideas in which you can adapt in future updates. Even if the subsequent expansions does not yield a full $70.00 USD charge, you can do microtransactions of around $20.00 USD.

You have the fan base. The mods are already there. You just need to claim it.

Anyway, this is just a little writing session of a long time fan. Whether it yields any merit will ultimately be judged by you. While I can’t speak for everyone, I can tell you that I would absolutely pay an extra $70.00 USD for the changes I posted here today.

I hope this post finds you well and that you will all take it in consideration.


You dont need to give blizzard money to get the best version of D2R

Just need to ditch online (which is mostly bots) and go Mods

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No thanks, too much power creep and not enough knowledge about the game.

More stash, character slots and QoL is probably the most accepted addition.

Also allow a version of „open bnet“ for modded multiplayer. So the original game is not destroyed and people like you can play power creep insta loot and insta gratification versions


Hard pass. Too much power creep. QoL would be fine, but I assume even here opinions would differ and what would be acceptable and what not.
I’d say buff and nerf existing items to make more viable. But they seem to be alergic to nerfing. And even for buffing they probably won’t invest their time and money.
Hopefully some bugs might be fixed in hte future - I doubt it - but that is the most I’m kinda hoping for.

Hell to the nah. Just use mods or hero editor if you want to be godly

Allowing mercs to use all gear sounds horrible to me and would totally kill the game. There’s mods for that.


I am not looking for insta loot. What I am looking for is extending the life of the game not decreasing it. Better loot will make it fun for a short time but makes the player feel sick of the game much sooner.

What I am asking for is end game extentions and better customization for mercenaries. Tweaks can be made by having mercanaries wear all gear but receive same penalties thorugh Nightmare and Hell difficulties.

Also, more viability in some obscure things is nice. It’ll also be cool to have things that allow more o skills.

In competitive games where its focused on PvP, nerfs tend to be better than buffs however from a PvE perspective, nerfs are not very welcomed in general. I want unique items found to have a longer shelf life and some even have viability into the end game. I agree we don’t need more spirits and enigmas. Power creeping is not very fun. But diversity of builds is.

Wouldn’t it be cool to have a Leoric Set where you can essentially play pretend to be Leoric with other classes than Necromancer? Or twin Flamebellow giving +% fire damage and -% resist? Something to wow by and keeping the balance of the game relatively the same.

Viability is not the same as breaking the game by overbuffing.

The thing is, extra mercenary gear is power creep, even if you add in a resistance penalty. I’d rather they work on how to give an alternative to having a mercenary than itemizing them more, which leads to only more disparity between those that have top gears on very good builds, and those that don’t have top gear and mediocre builds. And especially not allowing to have more than 1 mercenary.
I could somewhat get behind the concept if mercenaries were actually an extra skill tree shared between all classes that you have to spend points in if you want one or more mercenaries, and that you can itemize depending on where you spent points, but that’s clearly not the concept.
And we already have enough choice in mercenaries, many of whom aren’t used much.

The request about charms, would those slots be the only slots where charms work? I could get behind that, even if I would personally go more towards a 4x4 or a 6x4 space. If it’s simply extra space for charms, then it’s just worthless power creep.

I am confused on what you would intend to do with those extra areas. Adding areas just for the sake of new areas doesn’t seem like a good idea. Maybe you could clarify what purpose those areas are supposed to hold?

I don’t get how you expect your requests to make the game more dynamic. Acts 1 and 3 are already too long, for example, so adding extra areas seems like it would just make the experience worse. Mercenaries tend to take away from combat dynamism, as the player doesn’t have a lot of agency on their actions, so doubling down on them isn’t likely to help that.

I do think extra stash space and QoL would be very positive for the game.

i would pay for skill / item that would reveal map.
yeah, basically maphack made by blizzard :laughing:

Am experiencing this myself this and last season. Won some great stuff in raffles really early during the season. While it was fun to play a spearzon with infinity (which would’ve been out of reach at my casual playing intensity) I was basically done with this season after less than a month while in the past I was still doing stuff until the reset.

I’m a big fan of using both buffs and nerfs for balance if done in a fact-based way, not just. I understand that the general populace might see it differently. But ignoring one of two tools(the nerfs) is like trying to chop down a tree one-handed.

Mosaic tells me that I don’t want the current devs to come up with new itamzzz since they clearly are out of whack with understanding balance.
And your suggestion of allowing merc full gear is power creep, sorry. Similar to 2 mercs in SP, even if it’s “only” SP.

Only thing I would pay for is to have blizzard expand on act IV.

and maybe add an angel merc or something.


I understand the basic concept of having mercenary wear all gear is a form of power creep. However, Mercenaries can be rebalanced to prevent it. If not for multiplayer, then single player should have it because they do not have the luxury of having multiple people helping out or to play with. It would simulate multiplayer without being multiplayer.

Regarding charms, the idea is the 9x9 slots cannot hold anything BUT charms (of any size). This grants further customization particularly useful for ACT 3 mercenaries who rely on +Skills.

Currently, ACT 2 mercenaries are indisputably the best mercenaries by a wide margin. Once you get to ACT 2, you no longer need any other mercenary. Theres a small niche of ACT 5 mercenaries using twin Unbending Will but thats about it. When compared to the ultility and insane amount of customization of the ACT 2 mercenary, the ACT 5 twin wield Barb is still vastly inferior in nearly every way. It is admittingly fun to be a Frenzy Barbarian and have a Barbarian mercenary and zip through the game at the speed of light.

Regarding expanding areas, I was thinking about Hell Difficulty only with 1 more extra secret area on each act. Completely optional but a nice place to spice things up. Maybe ACT 1 could have the warp zone to the Diablo 1 Church and fight the Butcher. ACT 2 could have a part of the Arcane Santuary spawning trash mobs via portal with a new boss. Something along those lines would be quite fun. They could be a secret quest like the Cow Level Quest.

My bad, I thought you were talking about a charm bag for players.
I am globally unconvinced about itemizing mercenaries too much. It just increases the gap between top players and casual players. That is troublesome for non-socketable slots that are way more susceptible to randomness, and even worse for skiller charms that are already items that you want multiple times on your own build.

That being said, the issue with Act 2 mercenary isn’t a balance one, it’s a fundamental design one. The fact it has an aura makes it intrinsically better than any other mercenary. The best you can do for other mercenaries is to make their own utility more efficient. The worst in all that is that mercenaries would benefit from skillers just as much as other mercenaries. Would you really want players to be using a holy freeze mercenary with the cold sunder charm, Annihilus, the Torch and what’s remaining in skiller charms with maxed life affixes, 2 +1 to all skills rings, and a +3 to offensive auras amulet? For those that give a buff, you’d simply be allowing an increase to the given buff?

What if we refined it to something more specific? Like only A3 Mercenaries get to wear Rings, and Amulets. Act 1 Gets Critical Strike passive skill.

I know I am likely extending this conversation longer than needed as it seems its not garnering much positive attention. But, still… I would like to pique some interest from those who are kind enough to read through this.

I am fully aware that there are a lot of passionate players out there. Some want change for the sake of change. Some resist change because change is different, and different is frustrating. Some loathe the idea of implement anything that’s not QOL because they do not want their years of horded loot to go to waste via power creep. But my view is, the game could be so much more. Risking potential power creep is better than being static. If something does go wrong, it can be patched.

There are so many things that can be explored like refined skill charges. Viable cross builds. PvP can stay the same. But PvE has so much untapped potential.

Well… this should just be a feature of the game

Make Cain useful

New game, go see him and he charges 50k to reveal the current act

That’s how you improve the game

Create a gold sink, make an interesting feature, break to monotony of an artificial hurdle

I would gladly pay 100 euros for a new act

: )

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Inter-acts would be the best solution to generate more endgame activities

But having an expansion that completes the game would be awesome too

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I would also appreciate very much statistics that is, number and type of kills and, ofc, statistics about drops

Well, in that vein there could be the best and easiest endgame for this game, something even purist would tolerate

King of the Hell:

Where have to clear the whole game from its monsters, but the more you kill the stronger and more rewarding the remaining ones are

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What is missing?
We killed the three Prime Evils and two of the four Lesser ones. But for those 2 missing dudes, there is d3.
We see Diablo’s soulstone being destroyed in Marius’ final cinematic. What is missing is the destruction of Baal’s stone on screen. But after all the heroes have done, I take that as a given tbh.

I like that you want D2R to survive, possibly cough grow, and commend you for that.
I am primarily a Solo Self Found guy, so, the below is based on that, not sure how it would effect group play…

Some things I’d like to note.
Merc’s with full gear slots;
Act2 Merc needs no more buffs. That is all.

New Mercs;
Act4 has no Merc and am not opposed to Druid and/or Necro so long as their Army/Zoo had a means of progressing/becoming more potent/survivable as time went on. They would more than likely de-throne the Act2 Merc.
Fury/Maul Druid, no… eliminates Act5 Merc.
If added they need summons only and some sort of restriction…
I have a Summons Druid that runs a Bow, if he had an additional Summons Druid/Necro that would be snooze play/obliteration of the game.

Guess we need to be careful of what we wish for.

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