Dear Blizzard,
As a long time Diablo 2 fan I am firstly going say that Diablo 2 Resurrected is the best thing that you produced in a long time. I hear a lot of your more recent titles are performing less than what you may have expected and I understand that a larger company such as yourself requires a lucrative incentive to do practically anything.
Therefore, I would like to write to you today about what I personally pay $70.00 USD for (and a lot of other people I suspect).
-4 extra shared pages in the stash
-Allow Mercenaries wear full gear (Rings x2, Amulet, Belt, Gloves, and Boots)
-Allow 9 slots for Charms (and only Charms)
-Act 4 having unique mercenaries that are pre-built Druids, Assassins, and Necromancers. These Mercenaries will have 4 skills each focusing on a specific build of an archtype ie: Fire Trapsin, Lightning Trapsin, Martials kicker/talon, Maul Wearbear, Fury Wearwolf, Fire Druid, Wind Druid, Bone Necro, Poison Necro.
-Allow 2 mercenaries in single player mode
-1 Extra area in each act (no further quests)
-At least 1 Unique version of every base weapon. Currently there are some base weapons with no Unique mods such as Demon Heads, and Katars
-New rune words that help support underutilized skills such as Poison Dagger.
-Potential rework of certain skills like Poison Explosion, Poison Creeper, Jab (maybe some synergies).
-Create a cube recipe that allows a unique item to recieve a Elite Buff. For example; Bloodfist has +10-20% ED, +10 Defence, +10% IAS, +30% FHR, +40 Life, +5 Min Damage. If cubed with new recipe while upgraded to its Elite Base, it will receive: +8% life, +10% enhanced damage, and +15 life after each Demon Kill.
-QOL changes such as stackable Gems, and stackable Runes.
These suggestions aim to make the starting of the game feel more dynamic, and extend the end game a bit further. Also, some quality of life changes would make this game perfect.
I do have a more comprehensive list of things that would not only extend the life of Diablo 2 Resurrected, but also potentially incentivize your existing fan base to pay for future expansions. However, I will not burden you any further with my huge wall of text especially if you are not interested.
In my humble opinion, it is very possible to release a bi-yearly update and charge players to receive it. There are already modders that have made some interesting changes, and a lot of ideas in which you can adapt in future updates. Even if the subsequent expansions does not yield a full $70.00 USD charge, you can do microtransactions of around $20.00 USD.
You have the fan base. The mods are already there. You just need to claim it.
Anyway, this is just a little writing session of a long time fan. Whether it yields any merit will ultimately be judged by you. While I can’t speak for everyone, I can tell you that I would absolutely pay an extra $70.00 USD for the changes I posted here today.
I hope this post finds you well and that you will all take it in consideration.