What happened with the TCP/IP options?

Why were they removed, exactly? Why didn’t they return?

They removed it because unlike some try to pretend in order to push their anti-improvements narrative

This is not a remaster

Blizzard removed TCP/IP at the last minute before game release for “security reasons”. What these reasons were of course they didn’t elaborate on. Some say they are for the concern of the player, as the IP information of players could expose them, potentially giving bad actors leverage to harm others. Then there are others who say Blizzard was securing their game from piracy, as hackers would gut the DRM, hack the games TCP/IP function to use custom private servers, which Blizzard would lose sales from, because Blizzard knows that multiplayer is the most popular way the game is played. It’s likely both reasons.

Side note: Pay no attention to Anu, AKA Sekscalibure, he wants the game warped and twisted into something the original game never was. He doesn’t want to remember the original game for what it was, he just wants a new game, but doesn’t want to move on to a new game for some reason. He will take every opportunity to shove his pro change agenda for D2:R down your throat.

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