Is it just Tals chest, Griphons, Deaths web and CoA?
All the other TC 81,84 and 87 items look like they are worth about a Pul rune.
I can kill Mephisto so fast and farming any of the TC 81, 84 and 87 items is suuuuper grindy and slow. Just farming Mephisto has to be the most currency per hour on average eh? Why are ppl farming pits and AT?
I’m not sure if tal chest does drop @ hell meph but I haven’t gotten any. Death fathom doesn’t drop too. Hell meph is by far the most rewarding for me becuz it dropped all the gears that I’m equipping now basically. The run itself is also very fast, probably a min a run on average depending on the map entrance spawn. i tried to rotate in andy and pindle, but they literally drop nothing especially pindle, nothing worth mentioning up til now.
Beats me, the man doesn’t drop crap for me either way.
Drops a ton of cool stuff from Nightmare actually but most thought after items he can drop are probably Andariel’s Visage and Arkane’s Valor in Hell and Snowclash, Vampire Gaze, Skullder’s Ire and Thundergod’s from Nightmare.
Of course theres a ton of other interesting drops you could get, would have posted a link but I can’t.
When you transitioned to Light you will literally MELT Baal in a sec .
Need a crap lotsa gears and lightres- though .
But honestly Baal sucks really bad , even with 8 players . His loot range are way too large and too many things can happen . Since there are way more lower level sets / uniques than higher level ones , it is very hard to get him to drop something you want.