What do you think if Path of Diablo officially became an expansion for D2R?

Path of Diablo is an excellent mod for Diablo, it has so many improvements, balances, new content. PoD is an evolution of D2.

It is not a common practice, but I know several games that incorporated mods officially, an example that I really liked was Binding of Isaac in the DLC Repetence, where they reused several contents of famous mods for the same.

What do you guys think about PoD? Is it a good mod? What if blizzard took advantage of the content and incorporated it into the game, what do you think? Would you buy a DLC like this?

PS: I played a lot of PoD with my friends in college. Now I just like to play my D2R on my switch.

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No thanks. I played them all, regular d2 is still the best.


poe is pos. 20202020.

I don’t like PoD, so for me it’s not a good mod.

No, I would not buy a DLC like this and if they patched D2R to be like PoD, I would quit the game and move on.

I never tried PoD.
What I did try was PoE. I quit after the first play-thru because it was awful.

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I’m still waiting for the Brotherhood mod to get finished. I mean nothing compares to Laz’s content. His mods are unique and require strategic playing. More challenging and overall more fun. Too bad they are only legal to play offline. If only private servers were allowed by Blizzard.

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Feel free to play path of diablo as is, leave d2r for regular folks like us.

And no, it isnt a good “expansion” idea.


A good reson for uninstall.

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I’m in this boat:

What I read about path of diablo sounded like they were adding some of the worst parts of path of exile to diablo 2… why would I want that?

Constant change for the sake of change? That is extremely bad :face_vomiting:

Having said that, I think it would be great if D2R actually supported mods. Including it as a mod in a way that allows activation/deactivation of any combination of mods at the players’ discretion, so I can not use ones like path of exile while others who like it do use it, etc. would be preferable.

Including it as an “expansion:” no.

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Its clear you dont understand what an “expansion” is.

I would love if D2R had a POD expansion. POD was the best version of Diablo. I’ve played Diablo since its release, tried multiple mods. POD is the best hands down

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They should just allow people to mod with new graphics… My understanding is they took it away when they didnt include tc/ip support.

im going to vote no. ( and i played pod for a few years, for a season running the most popular loot filter)
there was a time i would have said yes.

but there has since been quite a few changes changes i really don’t like.
i think greendude is awesome

but he plays hardcore… and a lot of things have been implemented in a “hardcore” mentality… where the goal isnt to “kill stuff” but to “not die”

and as a softcore player its just not my style.
but there are definitely some key element in POD i would love to see in d2R
such as the loot filter and the “charm inventory” ( which is really just added inventory space charms DON’T work in, making the original 4x10 space colloquially called “charm inventory”)

other changes like rabies are absolutely needed

but i very much dislike the “hardcore” one attempt style of Dclone.
and how his mapping changed after t1-4
and i also really liked the sigils when he had them

TCP/IP removal has nothing to do with “modding with new graphics”, it’s always been possible since launch to make softcode mods for D2R. It’s just that hardcoding/code injection and multiplayer mods (due to TCP removal) were not initially possible, but now they are for a while now due to Blizz’s own mistake.

Add a real money auction house and a $30 per month subscription that lets you set player count to 8.
Best expansion!

PoD is hyb Diablo + PoE mod so there is 0 chance for that.

Resurgence is OG mod > PoD is copy paste DRes + more PoE+OGD2 > PD2 copy paste PoD + more more OGD2.

From these three PoD was the best.

This may be an old thread (really, what’s with the Crypt of the NecroPoster lately?), but I’d rather see a fully modernized Eastern Sun for D2R. Way, way more fun than any other mod.