Werewolf color differences

Has anyone else noticed some people have different color werewolf forms? I play on pc and when i shapeshift i still have the same color scheme as classic which is like white and the tannish brown on the hands and feet. I watched a guy streaming on twitch last night and he said he was playing on switch. His fur was most def brown though. Im not sure if its random or it varies by system. Can anyone confirm? Im the the only werewolf druid ive ran into.

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Yes i have this problem too. May be because i had 15 lvl werewolf mastery and he change color like a necromancer skeletons after some lvl’s of his skeletons mastery. If you ask me it is a bad idea to use any other colors in werewolf’s form!!! Please return basic color!!!

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i have maxed ww and no color change for me

It’s a settings change.

Changing the anti-aliasing and some other things makes your were wolf form look almost black and the your wolves, dire wolves and bear are also darker but it leaves pretty much everything else the same.

Some people have had to change the video settings to keep they rigs cool. That’s probably what you’re seeing in the streams is players playing with different video settings.

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Oh yes, indeed. Thank you. But it is not anti - aliasing. It’s a surround light quality, atleast for me)