We need /players8 or personalloot to make ladder fair

That you can for once not distract from the topic… but I guess you just can’t.

Same bots would have p8 instead of p1… legit players would have increased demand in rare items to match solo p8 power while their loot is worth less faster while bots can provide more of the high demanded items.

So you basically screw the legit players while ruining multiplayer further.

It’s still not rocket science. P8 is bad for the game and multiplayer.


So sad blizzard never answer game improving topic to give us hope

How much fg is a ber approximately worth 3 weeks into ladder and 6 weeks into ladder?

Lemon, just ignore this troll. He/they/them it will be crushed the day account identity authentication and merger happens (but knowing blizzard going to be awhile)

But mostly due to this guy profiting off the existing system and people not having 8 friends, stream viewers, a computer that can handle p8 or general pay-to-win ability which Zaman (and their forum identities that sway upvotes here) hopes to hold onto.

We will never stop asking. And they will never stop trying to prevent it bc they have too much to lose and we have everything to gain.

Evil and abuse will not go ignored. No matter how much slight of hand used.

Thanks for posting lemon, reddit is better but this place you never know which employees eye it.

These abusers and RMT’ers will spreaf all the snake oil in the world over and over, being full of fear over their profit loss terrifies them. With every anti P8 post know they MUST respond or risk losing the war. A war on the 99% of real actual players. Their demographic buyers.

Write letters to Microsoft if you care enough. Pressure from multiple angles always helps.

Zaman and other of this persons’ identities will get what they deserve

Odin and the other RMT/FG/multiboxer/bot identities (or identity) would have the average player believe bots would profit off P8 in online but its the exact opposite:

ANYONE who has taken a basic economics course or read 101 books can quickly understand why they are lying to keep the average player buying (with $ and/or FG) or trading for their abuse earned goods.


Those dirty pathetic scum liars will gasslight you till the cows come home to disbelieve basic core economics. But we must never falter to slay the beast. Never

Not exactly sure but this ladder it would be something around 1600 to 700

It’s „season“ 3 for the market and prices drop already really fast because people have geared chars in NL sand aren’t willing to spend their fg. Everybody is trying to earn more.


Something is not right in your head. Projecting your own flaws on others is a strange tactic.
If anybody here is a RMT/Botter and abuser then it’s definitely you.

You are so inconsistent in your statements it’s no longer funny.

In one topic you say people still won’t find items with p8 and now you are back at;

You are just a sad troll



All you did was attack me personally and use 0 of your intellect on the actual important point:


This is because you the human behind the screen, knows this to be fact, but cant admit it ever just like a republican wont push democratic ideas in fear of alienating his/her/their cohorts.

Yo, supply up, demand down.

Keep talking about people, not facts. It only proves you are an RMT proponent

Lol, been saying the same thing exactly for weeks/months. Like any and everyone that reads my words knows who i support ans why.

Why would a botter want to encourage identity confirmation and merger? To silence abusers like you who get plenty of upvotes and identities through encouraged proccesses (buy 8 accounts get free identities, exp, loot, difficulty, potential RMT)

You never want your investment to go away. I do. I want all of you liars and abusers to go away. If the person who fights for the bot apocalyse IS one? You cant get snymore gaslighty than that.

There is no use speaking to someone with too much to lose. Your everything is. Wrapped up in D2R profit. Thats why you are here. It isnt for a game.

No way to directly say it, because the facade ends. Identity confirmation and merger will pur a serious damper on your trolling; something which you project on others who threaton your game mechanics abuses.

Your day will come

hypocrite much? All you do is spreading lies and attacking people because you have no argument for p8 besides of “WAHWAH I want it WAHWAH, MY BOTS DONT FIND ENOUGH WAHWAH”.

So why should anyone try to have a discussion with you when you are clearly trolling or mentally instable.

You don’t understand the game or humans. P1->P8 = increased demand for legit players and increased supply for RMT and botter like you.

Maybe because you know it will never come and it distracts from your goal of improving botting? You don’t get a lot of upvotes/likes because your posts are insane, not logical, inconsistent and a bunch of lies. You accuse everybody, who only has a few posts or is in opposite of your opinion, of multi accounts, which is a clear sign that you are the multi user.

You can’t even decide if you think that p8 will shower you in loot or won’t change anything in the amount of legit players loot. Once you say you don’t even care and don’t want p8 for loot, then you say you want p8 for loot to fight botters while you still won’t find anything.

I always thought of you as a troll, but your posts are getting more and more insane and you got me worried about your mental health.

Please see a doctor and take your medication.


How does the increased supply of items from higher drop chances incease demand for what all players have now?

You are embarrassing youself a 3 year old can see demand falls for purchased goods when they are supplied free. This is why you scared. Keep at it buddy. We, the real players who actually love playing the game, will never stop.

See you always

Increased “difficulty” p8 needs better gear to clear efficiently therefor people have increased demand in items, so they can farm the new baseline difficulty.

It’s not hard to understand for a toddler, but it seems hard to grasp for you.

Even the 3 year old can see that a bot that runs 24/7 gets more loot then the casual toddwick that doesn’t know how to farm gets in his 3 hours of basement dwelling.

That’s why you want p8, so your bots find more and you can sell it for people that think they are forced into p8 farming.

It’s embarrasing how transparent you are on your botting schemes.


Bots will certainly farm more. But they will have less demand so their businesses will have to A. Fail B. Evolve and sell things demand never dies for (RMT websites close their runes/runewords/unique sales for gg ring sales maybe? Or gg boots?)

Even so as no drop chance higher more of that stuff will drop for average players

Your arguement that it would increase demand doesnt even register on acceptable. More average joes will post more gear on traderie, driving trade costs down aswell. Even if there is a short term increase in demand for difficulty while plebs catch up, they will have a massive surplus to pick from. This supply outpaces demand. Its why they teach this.

Probably not just your inventory you will actually have to compete with normal players for trades → Oops did i hit a nerve? Seems so.

Supply up. Demand down. Say it with me now

SUPPLY UP, DEMAND DOWN. This is what you and your other identities will keep hearing. Its irrefutable. Call every econ prof, tell them your new theory. They will hang up.

Spoken like a real RMT site owner. “no no, I won’t make more profit although i find more stuff faster”

Average joe:
“Wow I finally found a shako I don’t need, pls give me 3 pgems for it.”

I see your plan, let average legit players not get anything for their items so they buy more from your bots.

Inflation was always good for the average joe, wasn’t it? Ask your econ prof.


My dear delusional donut.
On a previous post you stated this:

Let’s assume /p8 will be implemented to battlenet. Having in mind the things stated above, for sure you will have nothing against /p8 being implemented without changing the ‘no drop’ chance of mobs.
Drop rates are more than fine as long as you have all the gg items imaginable, aren’t they?

Basically you just want another difficulty level that won’t impact the drop rates or chances.

Why than are you asking for /p8 command to come to battlenet, and not simply a higher difficulty?

Kindly help us understand because you keep contradicting yourself in the present thread with what you said on another one.

You’re quite inconsistent…make up your mind…and make us understand what you truly want.


You have a screw loose.

It’s time to turn off the computer and go outside.


This is simple economics: Supply up, Demand down does not increase values. The fact that you think that people will drive supply up because they want stronger characters due to p8 makes no sense. People are already botting to get p8 competent characters. Nothing changes unless you think people are botting to get ral runes and not ber runes.

Are people botting to get peasant crowns or shakos? They are botting already to get godly gear not lackluster stuff.

I wanted to confirm that you are a d2jsp user. I do not care about the worth of fg or its “value”. I care about game enjoyment for legitimate players who do not use their accumulated fg wealth to get a leg up on a ladder. If d2jsp disappeared tomorrow, I would not care.


People are botting for the best gear now. Nothing changes.

If you want to make a legitimate argument, you could argue that it drives more players to characters to meta builds but we now most players are meta players right now (you have a cold sorc which is the least (or one of the least) gear dependent builds in the game and FoH/smiter.

In contrast, some of us do not use a cold sorc as a crutch to get gear for their other characters.

The problem starts that you don’t read or understand the written and that’s a fact.
The players will create increased DEMAND for better items because of the increased HP and therefor slower clear times with bad equip. The bots which run 24/7 will provide increased SUPPLY of those items because they have less no drop and will find more items.

People are botting to generate items and trade/sell them.

Ral runes don’t get turned into Ber runes with P8. It shows again that you still have no clue how drops work and that you are just repeating words of others that you also don’t understand.

They are botting to get items to trade/sell. Which includes early ladder shakos and better items later on.

And how is it a confirmation when everybody can look up trades on that site? You know there is something like “search” functions. Maybe use your brain.
The only thing you are interested in is getting loot easier and faster because you struggle hard to get items. We already confirmed that you are a noob, we don’t have to discuss it again.

Not sure how you do not get this, but I don’t have enough crayons to explain it to you.

I also have a fire druid a poison necro and a barb.
While you have a barb that can’t even do his own uber diablo and only leeches in baal/terror zones.

In contrast, some of us do not beg for items and help on everything they do. Maybe you should play a meta char to be more independent


Does that exist now? People want to do the highest content possible.

Legitimate players will also find more increasing supply. So you have two sources of increases.


Learn to comprehend. My point was people are botting to get godly gear. Did you read this part in the post you quoted:

It is against the EULA to sell gear for real money.

If widget production goes up 3X and demand goes up 1.5X, widget prices drop and widget makers make less profits. There is a reason that OPEC limits oil production. More supply means lower sales and less profit.

Since I killed dclone by myself this morning in both ladder (horker barb) and non-ladder (FoH/1pt smiter) on the Asia server, you are wrong. Also, I am now level 94 in ladder and solo competent in TZ96. Once you get grief as a melee barb in ladder, the game gets far easier.

Do you want to join me in game? I now have a handful of ladder annis and more than 10 non-ladder annis that I can give you. Would a screenshot suffice?

A minor increase for the average joe, a major increase for 24/7 bots and power farmer.

It is also against the EULA/ToS to bot. People still do it. The whole argument here is that p8 will eliminate botting which it clearly doesn’t.

Stop your comparisons with “real life” that don’t even remotely fit. It seems that you neither understand the game nor the real life anectodes you throw in.

So did you finally get more gear gifted or did you RMT? Don’t answer I don’t want to know.

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You do not stop from making the game better for legitimate players since there are botters.

Since botters exist now that is even more proof that adding p8 online is not the root cause of botting.

The irony is your posts makes assumptions and you do not want the truth. As I said, horker barb is easier once you have a grief. The fact is: I got lucky in that the first phase blade that I used with tbe cube add socket recipe gave me 5 sockets. I found multiple phase blades afterwards including a naturally rolled 5os. Next was Mal fron hellforge quest. Lo was horking a TZ cow run.

Does RNG make someone a good player or simply illustrate that some items are quite important for specific builds.

You claim people bot to get good items but if people have more good items by simply playing the game legitimately that will lead to more botting. That does not maje sense to me.

If commercial widget makers flood the market with widgets, their profit margin disappears as supply outstrips demand.