We need /players8 or personalloot to make ladder fair

wtf, ppl should be really against sunder charms then as this can help you clear all content solo. I think p8 will come in 1-2 seasons, so relax guys

Not going to happen.


Afterwards Light Soso and Hammerdin will request player16 option. Loot will rain from the sky only if you playa god tier build.

In addition, the normal content will be so weak and boring…. Oh wait, deja-vu with Diabo 3.


I agree, it will either come or there will be a rework of the current exp/ loot system especially in relation to player count. Both will do fine.

I dream of hardcore nerfs, so the balance of the force will be restored.

Either way [more] change is coming. I don’t know why people are denying that when 2.5 happened.

I am excited for it personally, and do not mind shake-up of the metas with a balance patch.

Wholeheartedly agree. Shake the meta up.
The only thing that will never come to Battlenet is /p8. For that you always have single player.

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Do not mind changes. But I want it to be smart and not rushed. Sunder charm had 2 days beta. That was insane.
We ended up with huuuuge horker bug. Complete fail.

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Group loot boni should be removed completely, the number of players should only affect XP. Would be nice to have a properly balanced game.

i say no to players 8 loot as that will give leechers loot and it would raise the skill cieling to farm efftively

however i am ok with /players 4 loot and below as that is farmable by pretty much ever non-meta build as well.
players 8 is too restrictive though

i could see player 8 if they buffed underused skills like rabies/ fireclaws, and reworked spirit of the barbs. and giave MA sin and elemental bowzon a lot more love.

but honestly the solution is less of “adding players 8”, and more nerfing what can melt players 8 at the same speed it can player 1 because everything still gets 1-2 shot

aka nerfing mostly sorc and a bit of pali and jaz zon

I’ll give you more ladder “QoL” changes when Blizz stops gating sh!t behind seasons. Some of us only play offline for a good reason.

Fair trade?

Yes @Blizzard make /players8 online work please

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Really, Zahramar? Using another account to spam your ploot nonsense?


Look on sunders, removal of immunes already sounds like d3

arents bots bannable and what do u mean “as a streamer”

Ladder has never been fair. Some people play more than others, some play better class/specs than others, some play with more friends than others, some clear faster than others, some get luckier than others. All this would do is ruin the incentive to join the same game.

You’d also get 8x the number of bot games. So while you complain that you can’t get any drops worth anything now, you’re REALLY not going to farm anything worth poop if bots are farming at 8x the rate.

I can add this account to ignore too Zahramar.

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This is not accurate.

In fact, it would reduce the number of bot games in all likelihood. Currently, one needs to run multiple bots to achieve the same drop rate for a p8 game.

Itrespective, the game should not be balanced around cheatets. Legitimate players with meta gear/builds benefit from tbe p8 challenge. P8 promotes group play paradoxically as jerks are not crashing quest games to kill bosses

Players8, yes. It’s already in the game and already accessible with online play.

Ploot is a different animal. It isn’t in the game and there’s quite a few versions of ploot floating around to know which one will work effectively.

[edit] I prefer they just removed the increased drop rate for players that are not in a group and within proximity of the group. This will end multiboxing and players joining games and doing their own thing away from the group.

It is in the game. It is solo and split mf runs.

Ploot requires you to be in physical proximity to have a drop.

I think we both know that solo play isn’t “ploot”. I’m not opposed to ploot on a toggle, but which version of ploot do you want? It has to be coded, tested, etc.

Currently, players8 is literally an option that is coded in the game for solo play and is accessible to players in various forms with online play.

Some versions, yes. Other versions simply allocate loot regardless of proximity. Other versions allocate on a timer. Other versions allocate individually.

Which version? Yours?