We have been needing stash tabs at least 200 stash tabs like Game Last Epoch for excellent joy

how many bases do you need? A 4 soc hoto is ridiculously easy to find in cows, if an armor doesn’t have enhanced defense I don’t keep it. Runes all get cubed, gems get cubed when that stash is filled. I never needed extra stash tabs some of you new players need to figure it out.


Yeah, but we’ve establish you’re not good at the game so you don’t find very much stuff. So of course you wouldn’t need the extra space. There are plenty of armors without ED for bases that are viable and preferable to many. A perfect defense MP/AP/DS with 3OS is better for an enigma on repair costs. And if your runes all get cubed you’re going to wind up with a lot of Zods, which is pretty foolish tbh. Considering how you’re an old player I’m guessing your IQ is fairly low if you haven’t figured that out by now.

Established that how? Repair cost isn’t an issue late game, I dont cube up to Zod obviously but up to where I need for the runewords used.

They’re the same picture.
(insert meme here)

Keep only valuable items; don’t hoard crap worth 1 or 2 PGs each.

Agreed, most that we think are hoarders are not. They either are RMT’rs or jsp fg accumulators with an underlying agenda.

and they are very obvious, just like the alts

For single player, I would indeed ask for unlimited. There’s basically no reason not to.
For multiplayer, I’m not sure what the best would be. I don’t think there would be an issue with tripling the amount of non-shared stash tabs, so I’m not sure why it hasn’t been done already.

I know some players are extremely worried that bots are going to take over everything if you improve the looting experience, but honestly the botting situation is going to get worse no matter what is done (outside of outright removing any form of trading from the game), and the effect of most suggested changes on it is pretty negligible.

I think most players would even be happy with 10 of each. 3 different solutions are available : a dedicated tab with dedicated slots, the ability to stack in stash, or the ability to stack anywhere (the amount of situations where you would get to stack in inventory is sufficiently rare that it’s not an issue). It would need to be expanded to pandemonium keys and body parts, essences and tokens, too.

I am not convinced. While it would indeed reduce the amount of space dedicated to storage, part of the appeal of Diablo 2’s inventory system is that items take different amounts of space, and the same amount of space everywhere to put them.

This looks confusing. Are you suggesting that Annihilus and Torch both get a special dedicated equipment slot, setting them apart from all other charms? Why not rather give special dedicated equipment slots for the cube, chest-opening keys and both books (that’s 9 inventory spaces freed) (the slots for books could be allowed to contain one or two scrolls instead)?

Part of the appeal of going for the full unique/set list is the ability to take it out of storage and use it when you have a use for it, even if you know some parts of it will remain in storage forever.

What business is what other people hoard to you? If stash space is increased, you get to hoard more of the valuable items, or not hoard more, whichever you prefer, and they get to hoard more junk. How is this not a win-win scenario?

If you need to ask this, that tells me what I need to know. Especially if 4soc hoto base is your retort lol, you gonna imply a 4os crystal sword too?

Runes do not ALL get cubed… just certain ones. The rest are needed for recipe’s and without stacking means, it gets full if you intend on doing cubing, re-rolling, ect.

You must not play enough to need extra stash tabs or you think the only way to fill them is with junk.

How did they did that withour financialy ruining their company? so much space :smiley:

i just think they are silly people, “oh let’s keep this” sits in the corner to gain cobwebs and rot like you cannot tell me they are seriously trading / keeping everything they find AND THEN using it at some point. it’s just not logical.

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Basically this^

I can imagine how many having their stashtabs full of lowrunes, gems, and low budged bases lol
If someone really just want it for the sake of finding every item they can just use a holy grail tracker.

the type of people to also play the game for 20 years but only find 1 ber lol.

i found 3 HR in the last 5 days.

Okay so how many bases do you need to keep? 4os CS for spirit (early game), 4os ST for my pal (dont even keep anything under 40 all res IF I already have a ST Spirit).

I can easily find a 3os armor in cows so I don’t even keep them unless it has some good ED, 4os polearm already equipped on merc though. 2os armor for smoke already on merc. Late game I dont even keep bases unless they’re perf.

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Depends on what you are building… Normally you will keep a 4os mon for spirit, 3 or 4 os armor with ED, ETH armor for a merc, ETH Polearm base, phase blades to cube or get lucky with 5os from ground… If I come across a rare sword with ED, bow, paly shield 40 res, ect Ill keep that for a potential build or value for a trade.

what about late game do you still try to fit random unsocketed items in your stash if they’re not perf or near perf? Because early game I can understanding holding a good armor base, or eth polearm base.

Ex for my cold sorc I’ll just shop for a 2os armor for smoke, I’ll prob keep a 4os flail or not depending how I feel. I’ll make a rand insight and smoke for merc. Later on I’ll ONLY keep a thresher or CA for insight and highest def ETH 3os armor for treachery. So that’s just 2-3 items I’m keeping for late game in my stash.

No… Ill pick up high def Monarchs, Archon Plates, ETH Elite Armors, other higher end bases to socket, but thats about it. There usually ends up being a few kicking around, but they certainly arent junk.

Look for them mage plates too… I’ve scored multiple HRs for a sup 3 soc +15ED mage plate.

Oh wait, I’m killing my own market… Lalalalalalala I didn’t say anything… (I don’t trade anymore, so I don’t care.) :stuck_out_tongue:

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Blizz can’t even manage their stash and inventory at d4. There is no hope it can in d2r.


guys, its been a 2 or 3 season now? there not a single code text change. expect something change is false hope.

what about that perfect sup eth flail im hoarding to make my ultimate hoto?

you gonna tell me i have to throw it alway?

meh, i guess its all about utility for some people

And the punchline is you buy all of them with the ingame currency. :exploding_head: