But we need improvememts for season two. Something new. I dont want to wait another 4 monts to get something.

we didnā€™t have improvements every ladder in the past and they were 6 month longā€¦ Why would we need improvements every ladder now? Iā€™d prefer them to take their time and do it right, rather than screwing everything by a rush job.

But I guess now everything have to be in constant change to keep the ADHD gamers at bayā€¦

Except the charms actually need balancing before we call them the greatest thing ever.

To not suffer with player base loss as every previous ladder, many people is gone after two months. If you add more stuff to do and make some more builds viable, people stay longer. Best would be to add some new uniques into drops.

I farm same zones for 20 years dude,i would appretiate some new options.

Thatā€™s what terror zones are for. Still no reason to implement those crappy charms.

Edit: That mentally is exactly the problemā€¦ You are starving for new content that even sh!t feels like a delicious meal.

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Terror zones are useless when your char cant farm 80% if them well as certain builds.

Lol maybe, sadly its best they can do.

I work on my version of d2r :slight_smile: but its only online mod.

I constaly present suggestion on forum how to balance things, i gave them ptr feedback, there is nothing more i can do. They gave us they best, i could leave it or take it. I better take it as even when its unbalanced, it improve some gameplay.

You think it can be worse than blizz sorc or java farming on p8 solo? I dont. Group play is already joke one hit kill play.