Valkyrie sound bug

Bliz, why is this still a thing?

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I agree with everyone else here saying the Valkyrie should have her own volume slider.

Hello, just saying I do get bored of that sound please do something :smiley:

Adding my name to the list. Just killed hell Baal on HC with my self-found incredibly poor bowazon. (that’s always my goal!)

Love the character, but I am not missing that Valk’s grunting! Should be part of the voice slider, but isn’t actually part of ANY slider aside from Main.

My amazon died in hardcore, sweet death, tp into cows a bad morning, wasn’t warm enought, I lost my 3 20 :smiley: titans etc… AND GUESS WHAT
I’m super happy she’s dead and I can put back the sound of the game ON :smiley:

20+ years?.. Only a problem in d2r not d2

This is the one thing in d2r that annoy me the most. A fix mould be very much appreciated.

plz fix this in new patch - its unplayable with sound on

I’m starting to think that they can’t fix it. Its absolutly not possible that they never heard about that bug, just 1 mn of try and you figure it out that there is a huge issue…
I have even post a feedback just for this in the PTR

It might be a too complicated bug that can’t be fixed… They maybe should delete that ability and recreate a similar

+1 for lowering the Valkyrie sound levels
also I’d like to turn off the sound of Charsi’s hammer when in town, as it utterly annoys me.

The Valkyrie sounds are terribly loud and cannot be turned down. Please, fix this.

the bug was here even on the 2.4, sadly, I don’t think this will be fixed soon ^^

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Please fix this :slight_smile: add the sound to a slider or bring it on same level as other sounds!

haha, Devs got me, they was working good on this, thx a lot, good bye topic

Yup, it’s no longer loud. Probably the best change they made so far in the entire game. I can actually play my zon’s now without quitting in irritation 15m in.

Now I just need to level up 5 different Amazon’s so I can try out all the new coolness.