Useful Diablo 2 links

first off lets start with BY FAR the most important link.

  1. The Arreat Summit
    this site with written by blizzard themselves and contains about 95% of all info you will ever need
  2. ias calcs
    Diablo 2 Attack Speed Calculator | ias calc (all classes and lod werewolf ias)
    Diablo2 Resurrected 2.4 PTR2 Wereform IAS Calculator (2.4 werewolf ias)
  3. Breakpoints
    Status Tables for all Classes
  4. immunites and others
  5. how to read the map without maphack
    D2 lod pathfinding - Google Sheets
  6. other good information
    Sockets - Diablo Wiki
    number of sockets per item level
    Area Level - Diablo Wiki
    area level

and lastly if u want to get into some really confusing stuff:
7. treasure class

it also might be handing to have a copy of 2.4 patch notes

Armor visuals


Great post. Lots of helpful tools here.

A useful link would be one that attracts a blizzard developer here to let us know why the game list is not functioning optimally