Update Is Live Now

There goes my last shred of hope :^)

what did they even patch, still stuck, maybe this was just to make sure the streamers can keep streaming, who cares about the rest of the player base.

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yea i think they just fixed it so others wont have this problem… instead of shutting down the server and fixing the issue for everyone, they are focused on making sure it doesnt affect the rest of the population while they take their time to get the rest of us back in…

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Update will not push unless Battle.net Client is restarted.
That being said, it did NOT free up my character.

That’s not true at all. They had issues all the time with servers, but the issues were generally fixed quite quickly.

patch applied issue still persist :frowning_face:

didn’t do anything to help us

Please stop the non-sense lol

still character exist on server lol failed patch

They still have to manually fix any character that was locked out before the patch. You won’t be able to play until they do that. They said probably Monday… my guess is “Soon” tm.

Path of Diablo, and Project Diablo 2, both very popular diablo2 mods with online functionality, at least they were popular when they first launched… pd2 suffered from the exact same issues as people have now, and they managed to temporarily fix it by restarting servers every 3 hours. the problems persisted for quite a while

I think that was the fix for the offline char name issues causing them to vanish. They said that was first.

The current status on locked chars is that the automated tool freed some. Some will need manual work. Hopefully today though.

They also said the AVX patch will be at least Monday.

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Manual work that will occur over the weekend or not?

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What was the point of setting the launch date for the 23rd when I won’t be able to play until the 27th? Because that’s the ETA on getting thousands of players characters unlocked? Are you kidding me right now?

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like really??? still same issues, still cant play, we still dont get anything…

This patch was for separate issues than what we are all dealing with I think
The character already in-game issue i bet will not be taken care of for a while still.

Did the update include more estogen for the Amazon?


This was a patch for other things like in game disconnects, not the character stuck bug

i lost count, but its been 12+ hours since i could create or join a game. Not seeing any notes for the update i saw so i assume its what Miss Cheetah said.

It’s time to take the servers down entirely as this manual unlocking is slow and other players are continuously getting a huge advantage on launch vs players that can’t make it past lobby of doom. Starting a race by hobbling half the playerbase is not a good idea. The race has been tainted, all that’s left is ladder after this poor showing to simulate an actual launch without issues.

I guess bliz doesn’t care about world firsts on their remasters anymore even though they were announced in things like WoW Classic. Nobody is gonna care at all which team or solo player on SC/HC came in first place on this launch.

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